

Ask @readburnrepeat6299

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what do you have next quarter for your two specials?

I don't know if I'm going to take any courses this semester depends on what covid does and my upcoming surgery and whatever I choose because I would be taking college courses

Is there anyone who you jealous of?

I'm envious of stupid people because I don't feel they have as many headaches or that life is that difficult for them. I can't not give a shit about certain things and how it affects other people and the repercussions of the ramifications etc etc and I see on a daily basis people that live life without that and being a care in their world and it must be nice.

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How does your parents react when you get low marks in test?

In high school I did not go to class after the first 3 weeks because I was bored and it wasn't moving fast enough I refuse to do homework I would take the test on Friday I would take the test in the quarter semester and I would pass based upon my test scores alone. They got mad that I wasn't there all the rest of the time.

Do you believe in aliens?

I mean there's got to be something else otherwise why go through all the trouble of all this for what us?

How do you get motivated during the bad times?

Stubbornness resentment and anger. Angers my most driving motivating factor in most problematic situations. If everything's calm cool and collected people can probably get the best of me if they have enough time when things turn to chaos and everyone freaks out the world slows down to me and I'm pretty much free to go about handle whatever I need to.

What is one thing u regret

About 8 months before my mother passed away she was trying to hint to me that she didn't have much time left and mentioned me moving back home. I not only rejected the idea I basically mocked her about it.

Female profession, the first letter "S", the last "y"?

Sign lady. That's the best I got I didn't want to cheat and look it up but that got me.

Are you a difficult person?

Yes. I will purposely go against the consensus the group whatever just because I'm bored and I have enough capability to stand on my own I'm not agreeable doesn't matter whether I think you're right or not I get bored easily and I disrupt to amuse myself. Or I just drink copious amounts of alcohol.

Glass half full or half empty?

If I'm the one saying the glass is half full and I'm the voice of reason rallying the troops we have gone to the zoo.

What do birds think about planes?

I don't know with birds think about anything if I was a bird I'd be pissed at people trying to take me and put me in a house I mean I can fly so you're going to put me in a little small box with a lit on it? No I don't think so.

When’s the last time you moved? I’m in the process of moving and it’s sucks

I am in my apartment for 3 months this month and finally ran out of money so yippee I'm going to try to pay rent and yeah moving sucks it's the worst.

Do you like vodka ?

It's my alcoholic choice. Well that and I mixed a flask with everclearing it vodka but mostly

Do you care about what anonymous talk about you ?

No. I've been told I am aggressively confrontational meaning if I have something to say to you I'm going to go say it to you not to someone else I don't throw my opinion around when no one's there to defend themselves I don't talk about people behind their backs I don't have time for that shit. If someone has something to say about me they can say it to my face if they don't then that means they're scared they're talking shit or their opinion doesn't matter in the first place. Again if you want any credibility or if you want your opinion to mean anything put your name and face on it otherwise be quiet.

Do you love me? 🥺

I don't know you so no. Could I? I have no idea. I can't see the future. The biggest thing is I don't know you.

Are you married ? Single? Having a friends with benefits relationship?

Single never married no tiny humans and at the moment no FWB I am legitimately single. I also really don't know anyone and people where I live or not exactly known for communicating with strangers or people in their everyday life they like to keep to their little small collective groups of like-minded individuals and they're very proud of the "freeze" they give people. Honestly I just think they have poor manners, they're stuck up and they think way more of themselves than they should.

When you’re complimented by someone, does it make your day more to be complimented by the same sex or opposite?

I am straight so I prefer coming from the opposite sex however the other has happened quite often and it took me awhile to adapt to that because that's not something I grew up with it was around or used to and I didn't know exactly how to not be rude how to not seem uneasy about it and it took time and there's some awkward moments but like anything you learn how to navigate it.

What unpopular opinion do you keep to yourself to avoid issues with the flock?

I have a hard time with the gender identity topic and it's not because I care about what people think or feel in their heart of hearts I'm not I don't know that I don't give a shit about that my problem is from a scientific standpoint if you were born with a certain set of anatomy that is your sex fucking period. To identify as that whatever if you want to change it when you're an adult go for it but given the idea to small children that they can say they're a girl when they're not is fucking beyond ludicrous to me and it makes no goddamn sense and we're teaching people to ignore science for their feelings and I just don't I'm not on board with that hippie fucking love everyone and let's be what we want to be utopian bullshit idea cuz it's not ever going to happen it's never going to work and those kids are going to grow up to be adults and are going to get crushed by the real world because the real world doesn't give a shit what you think you are they will take and take from you whatever it wants and chew you up and spit you out without even hesitating so I think we're setting up people for absolute failure just to make them feel good now. It's not really an opinion I hide I just don't voice it.

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Liked by: TrishaMalaqui

What is your opinion of love? Is it permissible for them to do what they want, or are there red lines that they shouldnt skip?

What like do what you want in the name of Love no you can't do what you want. my opinion is there varying degrees of love and people throw that word around so carelessly and frivolously that it loses or never has meaning for some people. I do not say that word lightly or often or too many people I have concern for people I care about them but I don't love them I don't give a shit at the end of the day. the people I care about the people that I love I would do anything in the world for including and often putting myself in harm's Way to make sure they don't have to so each person has a different definition and a different measure of what is and is not love as far as romantic love no not really because there's people you can compatible with all the time being in a healthy marriage relationship is just essentially being a good roommate that you have compatible physical activities with there's no such thing as one soulmate for a person is 7 billion people on this planet and that's ridiculous. But love is a very strong powerful emotion that can be too much for some people to handle or some people don't know how to express it it's again I don't think there's a right or wrong answer to that but no and no circumstances means you can treat or do to another whatever you want that's not love that's just manipulation and powering yourself through some delusional sense of grandeur.

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Have you ever trusted someone too much?

On numerous occasions. I'm a pessimist because of my experiences I still have tendencies and behaviors of an optimist therefore when inevitable happens and I am trade it just further isolates and hardens my stance and view of the world but not ever learning my lesson or being a sadist I continue to still try to trust because I can't always be right at least I hope not.


Language: English