

Ask @readburnrepeat6299

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What are you doing

I'm answering this question I'm debating whether I'm going to get up and cook or not wondering why it's so f-ing cold in my house all the time

How do you know who I am?

I don't. I barely know who I am to get that answer you have to go through a series of circumstances and situations before that can even be answered.

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What would your life look like if you didn't have a worry in the world?

I guess by doing whatever caught my interest at that moment I don't ask what you doing to your kid right just whatever seemed interesting at the time? So I guess whatever the adult version of pretending that the washing machine is a tank would be

Do you think the world will ever be “fair” and “just”?

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Those terms were constructs created by man to try and make sense of what went on around them they don't really mean anything. We don't ever watch something happen in nature and being like that wasn't fair. Nor do we ever say that it's just or not just when something happens in the animal kingdom this is all a human idea that no other species applies to or cares about but no there won't be cuz there's always going to be somebody whining and complaining there's always going to be somebody that wants something a different way and is always going to be other people that oppose those people through violence and force

None of my friends talk to me so I talk to strangers online 🙃

Yeah my friends only talk to me when they want something. Honestly I find conversations online more interesting half the time anyway. While I love my friends I don't want to hear them going about the same shit every single day

Why do people be afraid to answer or talk as they self they gotta be anonymous

Accountability. When in individual attaches thier name to something people tend to combine other things together to shape of broader picture or to control narrative whatever their individual reasoning might be. It also they feel protects them from any type of repercussions or any type of fallout which humorous to me because 99.738% of the time when people try to do that it blows up in their face yet for some reason people still try to do it. My simple answer is they are just cowards.

I will stop loving you at the end of the year

Yeah if you can stop loving someone on command that means you never did in the first place or you don't know what love is. Third option is you're a liar. I don't know you so pick whichever one you think is most appropriate

Is voice acting easy

I mean clearly not otherwise there would be a lot of people that could do it and there aren't. I think a lot of that has to do with stuff they can't control but you know life's not fair and all that nonsense bullshit

Do you share Netflix with anyone or just yourself

I don't share them but I don't pay for them either. Former roommate has been paying for Hulu for 4 years now Netflix I don't know who is the original person involved with that I just know it's always on, and I'm not giving anybody my prime account so no they cannot watch my prime video.

What do you prefer, friendship or love?

This question doesn't mean anything to me because I don't have sex with people that I love I care about people I love have sex with strangers and friends and things like that I don't I don't combine those two worlds the same way everybody else does so this question is the opposite for me and it is for everyone else I'd much rather have a friendship because the friendship has more options

Why would a woman date a man that has abandoned his children?

Not all people view that decision that way maybe she just hates kids or maybe she wants to learn them into a trap not The parent trap like a death trap or maybe the first thing I said I was right and she's done really care I don't know I'm not them.

Do you use Facebook?

Not as much as I'm used to and the only one I have to which is not really that often and it's Meta come on now. (Side note I think the biggest reason for the name change is because they're going to try to incorporate meta and messages with "hey man you get that mm I sent you today?" watch watch)

Do you think cheating is normal why or why not?

illin_ahmed’s Profile Photo♡*:.。.ILLIN(*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡
Depending what we're talking about like human nature yeah because I don't really think we're meant to be monogamous. Honestly think about the people you know that have had sex how many of those people have only had sex with one person above the age of like 25 like no one just doesn't happen there might be some people that have some grandparents here and there that didn't have and that's you know wonderful and beautiful but that's not not that's not what happened to generations following I don't even I don't even have their number anymore and I wouldn't even begin to try to give a guess I have no idea so it's not normal if you look at the way we viewed relationships and marriage for a while but if you look back in history and read about what happened look at what's happening today and all that like it seems to be more of a common thing than people were willing to admit in the golden age or whatever they called it. I don't have a good answer on what's right or wrong on it cuz I know me personally the only time it was involved I lost respect for the person and that pretty much is the death sentence in the relationship if I don't respect you then things are just going to get worse but that's a personal thing not everybody is hung up the way I am so.

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Do you mind about what people think about you ?

Most people don't know who I am the ones that do know my alias and they know about three other points and that's it. I don't have any arrest record I don't draw attention to myself I'm not flashy I don't have a lot of people around me I live in a major city where in about 2 minutes I can disappear into a crowd anywhere good luck finding me cuz if I see you following me we're going to play a fun little game cuz I got a lot of free time to kill nothing better to do so now I'm not too worried about what the five people that know me think because the five people that know me don't like me for other reasons and it's not because of my decisions it's because I'm "mean"

Would you call your gf mommy

No and if a female tried to call me Daddy I would shut that shit down immediately that's fucking weird you got issues like that I'm the wrong kind of crazy sweetheart I'm not on board with that.

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