

Ask @readburnrepeat6299

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What can you not live without?

Honestly the only thing that's made me almost have a nervous breakdown when I didn't have her wasn't around it was my phone. There's been a couple times where it was just stolen and I was just angry and you know whatever I can deal with that. The three times we were tracking the phone and trying to intercept the people that we knew had it and all that the amount of anxiety and just sheer stress almost gave me a panic attack. In the real world when I don't want to deal with someone, when I need to form a strategy, get information, etc. They do it with their phone.

Are you a brave person ?

If my brave you mean the bold more often than not obnoxiously loud individual that's showing no fear because it's the situation they created in the first place yeah there's a lot of brave people here. Brave usually is tied to a situation where people don't come back so it's not it's one of those compliments you really don't want to have because it either means you went through something traumatic or you didn't come back from something that happened. If there was a board in front of you of words that were misused most in the English dictionary Love takes the cake but brave comes up in real respectable second.

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Gift cards as Christmas gifts: yay or nay?

Yay. Let's be honest here the only reason we're not giving out money which is what people really want is because a couple people one time bitched about how it made them feel and now we've got to do this dumb shit. You can send me straight cash I'm cool I'm not tripping I don't even care you didn't wrap it I'm doing something to save the planet I appreciate your efforts.

what are your thoughts on having kids ? you want them , you don't , you got them , waiting , ready , expecting . . . ? 👣

arrrby’s Profile Photo✨ Rare ✨ Essence ✨
One gf miscarried twice a doctor's office was visited. One I was asked my thoughts one just handed me a bill. I have no immediate plans to and not active enough for it to be something I have to consider at this time. I can't answer the last part. My life,everything about my everyday existence is diametrically opposite of any thoughts I ever had about where I would be.

Do you drink coffee without sugar?

No. I don't drink coffee without everything possible to cover the taste of coffee. My mother once askee me "would you like some coffee with your cream and sugar?"

Don’t you just hate when people chime in on your replies on your page

No because I'm smart enough to understand if I don't want people to chime in with their two cents or whatever I would not hold the conversation here it's like going to a fast food restaurant in bitching about it being cooked in grease. Just doesn't make sense to a logical person

Does race matter to you?

You mean that thing that they keep saying is not an important aspect yet every single piece of paper you fill out has it on there every single politicians mentions it in a speech every single award recipient every single blah blah blah blah blah. I've yet to see rice on this planet that didn't murder she still beat corrupt kidnap extort and on the same token protect cherish support sacrifice for some ultimately bleed and die for. No I don't care what color someone is because the color of their skin has nothing to do with the type of person they are at heart. I can't wait more about that than I do about something trivial that they have no control over

Have you ever seen someone smoke black cigarettes?

Those aren't cigarettes those are cloves. And yes me and my friends smoke them when we were in our twenties because well you got to do something to be a badass

Are you a clever person ?

I am. It comes in handy I don't seem to have the same panic attacks and struggles with minor inconveniences than some because I'm clever enough to figure out that there's usually a quick little solution or some cheat code that no one notices because they're too busy panicking. Then again when everything's falling apart at the seam I'm like skipping through the park so can't just be that when everything's going great I'm the one that's nervous

Sleeping in or waking up early

Sleep in or wake up. So either be coherent and do the one thing people hate the most wait or be in a fantasy world where no matter what's going on you're not waiting. Yeah go ahead and give me up when there's something to do otherwise I'm going to be in the state of not waiting.

How much money could change your life?

$50 put into a GoFundMe account in the information wired directly to me would change my life exponentially right now. In 20 minutes I have no idea cuz I'm about to leave so I don't know

Do you fall in love with the first kiss?

No I felt my hormone Spike in other parts of my body seem to be a little more in tune with what was going on but no I didn't want to go make life changing decisions buy a house and have a kid because of a kiss I don't want to do any of those things now from what comes after the kiss

Morning person or night owl?

Well night owl seems to utilize more of the day because most of that time is morning it should be are you a night person or are you a day person. I mean the west coast is the only spot where football actually starts in the a.m. by the time you get to 11:15 you're already brunch and people are halfway drunk or trying to get out of church service for the night so that's you're already through most of the day at that point

Do you think your family care about you?

Not really no. During the whole autonomous zone protest scene locally my uncle said that I could probably survive a nuclear blast. To be fair though the certain parts of the city wouldn't be able to tell the difference

Are you luck in love ?

I don't know that love and luck can share the same space. When someone usually mentions luck it's something unexpected that is kind of cool but it's not really that big of a deal or it's you thought you were going to lose this but hey you kind of broke ahead or you know hey lucky that that guy was there cuz that could have been it's always like some minor thing that could have been bad but not really. Love is on an extreme spectrum both ways like it can in wars and it can stop violence and it can feed the planet and all these other crazy things that aren't true but there's like always this dramatic changing effect they love has and luck doesn't have that so I don't know if those two should be comparable in that sense.

You don't love me and you don't have your time

So they're just the right amount of selfish to deny themselves any enjoyment? Somebody's mismanaging something here.

Anyone know Wiccan thing's because there's been so many scams

Those are a couple really good starting points from what I've been told.
Anyone know Wiccan things because theres been so many scams

Do you like Texas ?

No more than I like any other state. It's too damn hot in Texas most of the time so no I don't want to be there for that. Texans are optimistic though I mean the cowboys have been shit for 25 straight years yet every year somehow the media and the fans think it's their year with the same players beyond me whatever the Astros cheat in the most crooked game ever invented by man the rockets are laughing stock thanks to James harden and their ownership. I guess thanks for the beef I don't know

Ever encountered any morons this month?

Thanks too The advances we have had in the technological field over the past 100 something years I encounter morons without even leaving my home. I am surrounded entrenched by morons All hours of the day awake or not. I think my favorite part about this is how many people think they know the definition of moron and are confusing it for something else. Don't worry it's and open book test no one's going to get in trouble for looking maybe make fun of but you know that was going to happen anyway

Do you like when you are in a road trip and the gas station have blue on the machine?

All I can do is counter with quick name your favorite non-blue gas stations that aren't the quickie Mart cuz the quickie Mart doesn't exist.


Language: English