

Ask @readburnrepeat6299

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If just about a whole side of my family is psychologically abusive, am I wrong for distancing myself?

No it's in your best interest.

last user you blocked

I haven't blocked anybody on this for the most part I just mute them or hide the notification or whatever. For the most part it handles itself because people just eventually either go away or don't send a friend request for the new account or whatever and I couldn't honestly tell you how many friends or followers I have on any social media at all.

Do you like going to a family dinner ?

No my family I did not get along. I love them I just can't stand to be in the same room and listen to them talk for more than 20 minutes without getting pissed off.

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When it comes to the vaccines or anything else for that matter. Are you a critical thinker or do you just do what the so called experts on your tv or phone tell you to do?

I do my best to be a critical thinker everyone whether they realize it or not is subject to some type of bias or ignorance on some things. The one thing that shocks me is the amount of information that is readily available for anyone who would like it and how little people utilize it. Oh well if it wasn't for crazy people life would be far less interesting.

Do you think everybody wants you ?

Me no they could care less about me. They come around because they want something from me which is why I refer to most people as an associate or an acquaintance not a friend.

Are you polite ?

I'm also capable of being trying and charismatic when there's someone to impress but that's just the point; why would I spend any extra energy for people who quite honestly don't deserve it. Yes I'm very capable of being polite. It is WAY more fun to tell people the truth and watch their egos deflate and their heads explode. People get offended by so much these days I now have become numb to a person expressing or vocalizing such.

Do you watch CNN?

No. I do not watch the left-leaning CNN I tune out completely the far left MSNBC and the crazy alternative right Fox News. None of those organizations display any journalistic integrity they are entities beholden to stockholders and propaganda. When the content created attack people who don't share a similar viewpoint by trying to discredit them, interfere with their livelihood, and ignore scientific facts which the left and the right are doing at a rapidly expanding and unprecedented level an individual is no longer watching news they're consuming propaganda.

Do you often hurt people's feelings without intending to?

Not intentionally. Most of when I heard someone's feelings is when we are in a disagreement and they criticize me. I tried to avoid doing that because it's not going to help resolve anything I'm also not going to sit there and be someone's punching bag so I'll let one or two go the third one I'll suggest a different approach and then if they're still feeling chipper and spry they have no one else but themselves to blame for what's coming.

Tell me, do you measure your pride and value by how many times you can kick somone who is down? It seems your "success" is based on depreciating the value of others.

It's reflective. Attitude=Attitude Sass=Sass. Sarcasm will get you in a contest, screaming ignored and if you're just a complete and utter ass pride will come into play then. Once we've started the game of who can be the biggest dick I have an undefeated Street going I have no plans on relinquishing or entertaining the notion of and I don't believe in ties. Or you just act like you got some sense from the beginning and all that could be avoided.

Do you care about the weather?

Yes the weather has a direct effect on my life so yes I very much care about the weather. Everyone's life is directly affected by weather I don't understand how someone can say I don't care about the weather yeah you do cuz your existence kind of depends on what's happening outside if it's raining lava you're not going anywhere that day. If it's -20 you're probably not walking outside in shorts.

Do you sometimes get too many answers to your shoutouts to keep up with?

I don't even start looking at the answers until like 3 days after I post the question honestly it's not even something I'm going to try to do.

Is it wrong of me to break up with my jealous and possessive gf? I mean it’s getting pretty tiring and I already did her many times so might as well?

Aside from the glaring example of hypocrisy you displayed no

Have you ever had to sneak a pet into a place you're living and there's no pets allowed? 😔 I have multiple small animals idk what to do. They're quiet tho, they don't bark or leave their cages. What should I do? 😖😢

It's never a bad idea to thumb over the lease and then check the like ordinance rules and regulations of the city and see what the state statutory or revised codes are (here we call them rcws but I don't know where you're at and I don't know what they call them there)

Do you have a loyal friend?

I trust my friends to be loyal to what's best for them so I have loyal friends right up until the point where their best interest conflicts with mine.

Tell me something you miss

The Monopoly game at McDonald's. The Albertsons / Safeway version is lame it's stupid I hate it. Thanks American Mafia this is why we can't have nice things.

Do you drink alcohol? What’s your go to?

I drink vodka everyday my mixed drink is Canada dry cranberry ginger ale and if I'm super annoyed / want to be as unhelpful as humanly possible I mix my flask with vodka and everclear 190 proof


Language: English