

Ask @readburnrepeat6299

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Life is full of sadness.

It is. It's also full of colors and sounds, innocence and tears. Kind-hearted people that show loving embrace some that are judged and considered disgraced. Caring and comfort, deceit wrapped with lies, sarcastic optimist featuring pessimist that are bursting inside. Contradictions can seem endless riddles are contrived, all these conflicting ideas and emotions proof you are indeed alive. Madness in simplicity comfort in the complex, you are the ultimate how to guide you control what is next.

How about a private chat?

When you hide your identity on the post you take that option off the table you either have to start with that or you have to allow your profile to be seen so others have said option. The little monkey covering his eyes is the wrong icon beside your name for private chat.

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im gay, but im not out to family. I'm out to friends but how do I tell my parents I'm a gay man.

You're the only one that can know the best way for you to approach that topic with your family. My only advice here is do what you think is in your best interest because at the end of the day you're the one that has to look in the mirror at night not anyone else you were the one that has to justify except or live with what comes after what I can only imagine is one of the most difficult situations you've ever been involved in in your life. I wish you the best and good luck.

Christmas cookies: yay or nay?

Yes for so many reasons. They're delicious, they're a great chance for families to spend time together in bond, you could potentially have that asshole neighbor that gets offended by everything Christmas in which case bake some and put them on their doorstep. Aside from the amount of excess sugar you'll intake there's not really much downside of Christmas cookies.

Do I just show up at her house rn and risk getting arrested ?

No. For any question you have if one of the scenarios is possibly get arrested the answer is fucking no. Making poor decisions is how the risk of being arrested became a factor in the first place. So let's not do that and try to find a different way to solve the situation maybe recruit some people or maybe just leave well enough alone. But whatever the question is if it could possibly end with getting arrested it's a resounding no. (The one exception being the individual in question was responsible for the death of a child. And that scenario I'm not going to blame you and if I'm on the jury I'm not going to convict. I'm going to understand and question the moral character of anybody who tries to defend the justification of penalty against you) if it's about a relationship sit your ass at home ain't nobody worth going to jail over.

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Do you want kids? If you have them, do you want more?

To the best of my knowledge I have not fathered any children and I do not currently want to.

Do you have a gun?

Not currently. I don't have an overwhelming desire to obtain one I don't live in a fantasy land where the government's going to try to forcefully make me do something I don't want I don't believe any other countries are going to invade I don't forsee a zombie apocalypse and if I want to go act like a tough guy I don't need a gun to give me a backbone. I also am not an avid hunter and I'm fully aware that guns were created by man so the statement of me owning a gun is my "god-given right" is misinformed at best and outright stupidity while highlighting a lack of basic vocabulary at worst. The idea that getting rid of all guns will make the world a better place is also just as misinformed and stupid for the record. Like most issues on this planet the biggest problem with guns is.. people.

Sorry I refuse to kiss you because of your mouth smell..i hate nicotine, bye bye

That person should have had a mentos. At least you can alter the taste of nicotine for people that had tuna salad for lunch you're not getting rid of that nasty disgusting taste.

Would you help a homeless person?

Can would do and will in the future. There's some homeless that truly got dealt a shitty situation (I know from first-hand experience) then there's some that just don't want to follow any type of rules or guidelines they just want to do whatever they want whenever they want and those people I'm less inclined to help and more than likely not going to help unless there some financial gain as a direct result.
Liked by: BabyBunny

Your partner knows you've cheated but you deny and she stays always do you come clean

If it were me I would play out possible scenarios in my head and then I would go with the one that's going to be the less problematic. Anytime someone demands an answer for me and I'm not going to lie to them I just look at them turn and walk away. I don't advise that course of action. I mean you may shock them into not chasing you but the potential fallout can be cataclysmic.

Do you believe in what your feel ?

If you're referring to gut feeling or intuition yes I trust that more than I do most human beings on this planet. My intuition and gut feeling has kept me away from situations that had very horrible outcomes and very life-altering consequences for some.

Do you like Brad Pitt movies what's your favorite ?

Interview With The Vampire. One of a small few decent films cruises ever been in. And no top gun is not on that list top gun is the epitome of an overrated movie that movie is garbage.

Someone jealous around you has taken the advantage of keeping you in deception of me because they know I am not on the media that you may see it’s actually me or not.

Easy fix. I'm going to devise a scenario that eventually will cut scene (cut scene) be a very uncomfortable situation and then not allow either one of you to leave until I'm satisfied with the answers to my questions. Or recruit somebody to wear a camera and record information when someone's quote "relaxed" someone dream real time responses to certain topics you get the idea.

Are you a perfect person?

There's no such thing. Even the "perfect person" by the Bible standards got a spear in his side because the individuals in charge did not agree. Good bad flawed perfect acceptable not acceptable these are all matters of perception.

Do you prefer diamonds or gold?

Whichever I can utilize and would be most beneficial. I don't care about material things I normally acquire material things because I know somebody else that wants it way more than me I care more about experiences and memories.

Will you please stop it?!?? I’m tired af

Then log off the site. Instead of expecting people to cater to what is bothering you why don't you remove yourself from what's bothering you. News flash the world's not going to cater to what's bothering you the world doesn't care.

I'm mad at you!

I'm sorry I thought you said something interesting. Somebody somewhere is mad at me always. One day maybe their opinions will matter probably not in my lifetime though.

Do you really think of me?

In some form or capacity I think about everybody eventually. I I wouldn't necessarily get excited about that statement though I normally think about what would happen if all electronic communication were cut off if world leaders actually started gearing up for a world war famine covid being half as deadliest as personified by the news, etc.

Are you watching something on Disney Plus?

No there is a new show coming on it that I don't know if I'm legally allowed to talk about yet they did threaten harsh penalties but if I were to go far far away and remain underground I'm sure it would be fine hint hint nod nod.


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