

Ask @roseygriffithsss

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yeah, im just doing so badly at school atm and really cant cope tbh. just too much stress if you get me? makes me even more worried i wont get the 5 gcses i need x

Yeah I understand, you need to talk to your parents if you really feel like that! x

can you persuade my parent to homeschool me? I don't get on with my teachers at my school and I just fell out with my bestfriend:'( is it expensive??:( x

I can't persuade your parents hunny. You have too! You have to be brave and talk to them, tell them how you feel! My parents removed me because they know my potential, and they knew how bad I was doing. If I am honest, I was kinda close to being kicked out but now I've changed! It's not expensive at all, some of the stuff with it is, my GCSE courses, I'm not sure how much they are but it's okay! Talk to them x
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hey i only just saw your answer about being homeschooled:) im having the exact same problem and really cant carry on at school:(x

Aw! Talk to your parents, tell them how you really feel about school, if you want, tell them about me and how much better it is for me at the moment and how I am doing my GCSE's at college and stuff :) x
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how come you were home schooled? x

Because I didn't get on at school, my behavior was getting worse, my grades were going down and my attitude at both school and home was getting really bad so parents removed me. Gives me a fighting chance to get some good grades to help get a good job etc! It's also helping with my horses and gives me a fighting chance to bring Storm up well and hopefully get out competing at high levels :) x
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Thank-you!! sosososo much. im so very greatful! thankyou rosey!! im going to stay strong Nd thankyou for the advice beautiful!xxxxxx i love you xxxxxx

It's okay hun, I promise you can get through it. If you ever need me, I am only here. Or if you have my number, text or ring me, I will keep everything between us. Promise! Love you too xxxxxxx

Hi Rosey, you inspire me. soso much. i want to cut so bad. so so so bad. but im trying so hard not.to and its killing me, all this pain, anger, anxiety, stress and sadness is all building up inaide and i cant let it out unless i cut:( please help me? any advice to give on here?xxx

Stay strong, please. You are SO much better than you think you are. Everything you feel, it will build up and you'll feel like giving up. But you HAVE to stay strong. You can let it out, everytime you feel like cutting, do 5 minutes exercise or draw a butterfly where you feel like cutting. Do anything to take your mind of it, draw, bake something, if you have a pet, take it for a walk or play with it or something. You can get through this, I promise. It's going to be hard but you can get through it. I know you can. Even if you don't believe in yourself, I believe in you.
No matter how hard you try, it's going to be fucking hard, but think about how much happier your feel after. You'll be able to wear short sleeves in the Summer time, you'll be able to wear dresses, but if you cut, you'll have to cover it up, you'll have to wear hoodies. Every negative that comes along, think of the positives. There an up side in everything, trust me. I know how you feel, I do, I don't do it anymore and I feel so much happier with-in myself. Like I'm finally being able to let myself free. When you've done it, it'll be so hard to stop, so hard. But there's always I light at the end of the tunnel. I promise, it's hard, but you CAN get through this, never ever ever say you can't.
Stay strong beautiful. I love you xxxxx

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what noises can't you stand?

People eating with there mouth open
People slurping there drinks
Teeth grinding
People blowing there noses
And more
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Your disgusting.

Tiny things like this. Tiny tiny things like this, caused this 15 year old boy, innocent to take his own life!?
You pathetic little anons really don't realise what you do, do you? You constantly say stuff, even if it's small, you go on every day, making people feel worthless, causing them to harm themselves or even end there lives because they feel happier getting away from you than having to come on here everyday and read spiteful little messages from people like you!
All of you disgusting people need a fucking smack round the head with a frying pan to realise what damage you can actually do. It's vile. Pathetic people caused his best friend to cry because he didn't realise and didn't help? His parents to cry because they never knew it was going on? His school, to think it's people in there that did it. They leave so many people keeping there heads down, scared of what people might say, wondering if they'll ever find the people who bought him so low to do that? It's sick. Fucking sick.

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I don't know you well but ignore the anons giving you hate! What they don't realise is that some of the worlds millionaires like Richard Branson and sir Alan sugar were school drop outs and they've gone far in life! So fair play to you! I wish you luck! Oh and anons, have a nice future in McDonald's

Ah thank you! I know;) hahahaha!

Well done to the girl going to uni, fucking great! shame you're sat there abusing a 14 year old girl. You're attitude is a disgrace and if you're so happy with you're "PROPER education" why are you clearly feeling so shit about yourself that you're taking it out on Rose behind a screen on anon?

My point exactly!

Leave Rosey alone. What the fuck did she do to you, so shut your cock-holster and calm the fuck down. It's none of your business whether shes' bisexual, whether she wants a girlfriend or a boyfriend, or whether she is homeschooled or goes to a public school.

TamzinWagstaffe’s Profile PhotoThe bender defender
Thank you tam

Caitlin has told me you've done fuck all at home and btw horses will get you no where

Caitlin has no clue what I do at home thank you?
Horses will get me no where? That's why loads of people I know have been successful in horse's and infact I might be moving to a yard so I can get every day training for me and storm to grow together.
I've been told I'll go far in horses. So I'm going to follow that dream, if you anons like it or not!

babe I am I'm school getting a PROPER education then off to University in a year so don't tell me I'm not going anywhere. Where as you are definitely not going to get anywhere if you're not in school. You'll end up with no money and living with mum and dad until you're 40.

Really? If your that age and going off to university, why the fuck are you on a 14 year old girl's ask.fm telling them there going no where in life? I don't sit on my ass all day. I work fucking hard. I'm home schooled funnily enough. I have education at home. I work my ass of at the yard too thank you, so if you're really going to be immature and judge me, please get to know what I do in my days. Run along.
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All you do is seek for attention. And you don't go to school? Little girl you aren't going to get anywhere in life if you're sitting on your ass all day.

So what if I don't go to school? My parents took me out for a good reason. I'm getting somewhere in life at the moment thank you and it's looking up and creating stuff for my future. So I suggest you butt out my life and start worrying about yours, then maybe YOU might get somewhere in life :)
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Are you bi? If you tell me then I respect you but don't keep on deleting questions

if i want to delete questions that i can


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