

Ask @roseygriffithsss

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thank you so much, i respect you so much! can i come to you if i ever need you again? :'(

Aw! It's okay :) Keep me updated on how you are and come to me if you ever feel like doing more okay? Yeah sure! Come to me whenever :)

i've done it on both my arms, the inside of them, not really deep but quite a few, and a little bit on my legs. i did it because my mum died the other day and i miss her so much :'(

Right, okay. What I want you to think of is your mum's reaction if she was still alive and you did it, think how she'd feel knowing you did it. She want's you to be happy, she want's you to remember the memories that you had together.
She wouldn't want you staying in your room, crying your eyes out and feeling that cutting yourself is the only way out of how you're feeling.
Course, this is going to be so hard, not having that women who bought you up. But she gave you good memories, however old you are, you just need to remember them and think. Wow, my mum was such a great inspiration in my life and I'm going to be an amazing mum just like her.
Staying in yourself, not speaking out is the worst thing you could do, all the harsh feelings will all just clog up even more inside you, and it'll make your situation so much worse.
You need to smile, stay strong and just think of how much your mum want's you to be happy and grow up knowing her little daughter/son has done all he can to stay happy and remember her.
Stay strong. You can get through this, I promise.

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She doesn't need to give you an answer you fucking douchebag, leave her the fuck alone, you're calling her young? Implying that you're older than her. Then maybe you should be mature enough to leave her alone? It's nothing to do with you whether she puts it online. You're not her mother. Go away.

TamzinWagstaffe’s Profile PhotoThe bender defender

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no i can't... i don't want you to know:'(

I'm not going to judge you. I promise.
But I understand, I'll help you on here.
Can I just ask how bad you've done it?
And maybe why? You can keep yourself on anon, that's perfectly fine!

All your self harm bullcrap and you will answer anything that gives you attention but when you get asked WHY you won't fucking answer because there is hardly a reason and you know it! There's no need to put anything even about self harm online you foolish young girl

Alright then, if were going to get rude and argumentative then let's go!
Ever thought I don't answer them with everything because I don't want my fucking life on this site. No, thought not.
Well guess what, I don't want people knowing everything about me?
So I get abuse for apparently sharing everything about me and wanting attention, and then I get abused for keeping it quiet?
You really can't please people these days can you.

'Rosey doesn't help people' olol she's been helping me the past few days? So calm your cock-holster.

oh dear, you make me laugh

It is to an extent, but you just take the piss.. I can name 5 of your friends who have so much worse than you and they don't put jack all online

i just take this piss?
oh wow
some silly anon's got it going for me tonight
alright then, tell me how i put my stuff online?
one thing i was and that was for a reason
no one know's every single detail about me
i don't go round saying everything
i keep myself to myself
yet again anon, go get your frickin' facts right

So many people have it worse than you and don't say anything

that's like saying
' you can't be happy because people have it better than you'

You don't care about other people. You don't help them, you don't listen to them. You are just a selfish young lady who really need's to get her head out her ass. Start respecting others and grow the fuck up. Stupid girl.

i don't care about other people?
that's why i'm helping someone right now, this very second?
i'm always there for people, i listen because i know what it's like to have no one
i respect others
if your telling me to grow up then why don't you come off anon and actually have the decency to tell me this to my face or not hiding behind a computer yeah?

Omg, you don't relise how much I miss you as a bestfriend, I had you for a few months then we slipped cause of some stupid thing, I feel so bad, for not being there for you when you needed people, I always had you to cry on, I miss you so much baby :'( I'm sorry for not being there rosey :'(

who is this?:(
makes me sad
pop up?
miss you too prob
you prob were there for me if i'm honest, aw
please pop up? :(

Fuck off whoever just said that. Seriously. Rosey and Esme have decided who they are 'taken after'? It's not a choice to be gay you fucking mong. @Whoever said that. Your mum has two cunts. And you're one of them.

ahahahhaha, i love you anon

You've taken after Esmé, turn bi, try and get attention

what so because esme's found who she is and is happy with that decision to come out she's attention seeking?
how is 'coming out' attention seeking anyway? please do explain anon

you were brave enough to come out saying you were a self harmer, be brave and come out Bisexual? ill be here for you


Just because someones' happy and in eachothers bio's doesn't mean their out or something, stop being so nosy, it'd be none of your business even if they were going out. Just leave Rosey to be happy.

thank you!

I was just asking because you're both suddenly in each others bios and extremely happy? Hmmm.

am i not aloud to be extremely happy now?

Why you so happy?<3

i've just been made so happy
and i'm keeping it shush so bastards don't ruin it
so happy

Hey there sweetie! How are you?<3

hey der anon
well basically
i'm fucking amazing
because of something
and omg, i've just been made so fucking happy
i'm so happy :D:D:D:D:D:D:D


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