

Ask @roseygriffithsss

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Your beautiful <3 and I really want to get to.know you but am worried what you'll think of me :/

Aw thank you, but I'm really not!<3 Just pop up? :) Never know if you never try!

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What super power do you most want?

Be able to see into the future and also too be able to move stuff with my finger or eyes :D

Opinion on Emily Doyle, Emily Smith, Mica Trowbridge+Tilly

Emily D - Fucking babe, closest friend ever! Always makes me laugh, always has something funny to say. Dunno what I'd do without her. Could say so much more but she knows it already!
Emily S - Only kinda got closer to her recently, really down to earth girl. Misunderstood quite a bit but so pretty! Always manages to make me laugh in German!
Mica T - Lush girl, always here for me and always cheers me up. Been through a bit together but came out stronger. A girl you'll see with a smile on her face
Tilly T-H - She's a babe, always saying random things, that just come out of the blue! Love her fashion sense, really good friend, always here for me and you'll always see her laughing or smiling!

you're not beautiful, you're far from it infact. i'm glad i look NOTHING like you:) hahaha

Yet again. It's good you don't then 'ay! :)

the people who have a go at u can fuck off i would go out with your i think ur well fit!

Aw thank you! Who is this? :) x


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