
Ryan Matt Jordan (✔)

Ask @ryanjordanmatt97

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How long would it take to get to know someone before you like them

A few years, maybe months dunno. John and I just clicked and so did me and Jason and Faye and Amy but tbh in a relationship like dating..... i dont know.

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Do you only like one person?

Well as a high school crush yes. I have a celeb one and whatever but closest to home yeah only one.... so far xD

You've been my crush for 2 years but now I know you don't like me :(

I have known my crush doesnt like me for over a year now but I still have a crush xD

What would you do if a girl asked you out and you didn't like her?

Id have to say I didnt like her I guess and hope that she is okay with that :/

I always build my hopes up of someone liking me but then they don't what should I do about this

Have a back up. Mine is normally Nutella xD Also remember life is too amazing to dwell on that one person there are 7BILLION more to choose from xD


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