
Ryan Matt Jordan (✔)

Ask @ryanjordanmatt97

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i must of misread the thing about the cheesy when the person called you an inspiration

:O Oh :D That's okay! :D No I wouldn't be that narrow minded that would've been just plain harsh!

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5 favorite 6th classers,from your estate<3

Shane and Faye :/ Dunno really anyone else who's in 6th class :/ Soz

well you should say " thanks i know im sexy as fuck!" but thanks is good too babes haha ;) :p

xD Haha i'll make sure to stay this way then :D

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Why did you come here! YOUR DOOMED I TELL YOU! DOOMED! 0O0

If someone made a statue of you, what position would you choose?

Plain old me smiling like crazy! :D


Language: English