
Ryan Matt Jordan (✔)

Ask @ryanjordanmatt97

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How long does it take to really 'know' someone?

It takes up until the moment you find out they like Nutella too then BAM! You're married!

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Would you rather have $50,000 free and clear or $150,000 that is illegal?

Just give me the money goddamit!
Would you rather have 50000 free and clear or 150000 that is illegal

y do u not want ta put up de pics wen u ave such a great body? :D u cud take em down after a day or 2 if u want and only put em on tumblr :D

I am a lazy ass bitch xD Thats why xD

if i got yur subs up to 200 wud u put up a few pics of u in briefs boxers showin yur vlines i cud get u up to 200 in next 2 days :D i luv da new owj vid to btw :D x

Thanks but no thanks ^♡^ And you did!? :D Thats great thanks ^_^

If you were to write a book what would it be about?

.......I think id probably write a novel based on the true events of, YO MOMMA!!!! Oooh shit san xD


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