
Sabrina Tay

Ask @sabsterette

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What subjects do you take ?

Triple science, music, E & A maths, English lit and Lang and Chinese :)

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If something can be named after you, what would you like/prefer it to be and why? (Building structure, places/roads, art pieces, culinary food dishes, organisation/company, another person/animal, award/festival, facility?)

I'd be pretty honored if someone named their dog after me :P or like an organization

What was the last movie that made you think?

Probably inception. Though I watched it 2 years ago xD I don't like thinking movies

awww. That aws a quick decision, about your job and marital status!

Oh! Hahaha well it's not certain :P but I do want to get married next time

if one of your friends turned out to be gay or bi or something what will you do

Nothing. They're still my friends what! If they've been like that while we were friends, then nothing should change if I find out

What are you planning to do when you grow up, job? Single or married? Etc

Job? Idk I wanna have something to do with music but even then I'm not sure! Hahaha I want to be married and have kids. And hopefully study overseas but come back to Singapore

If you were stranded on a tropical island what 2 things would you want with you?

fairly odd parents (cosmo & wanda)

You might find it disgusting, but it can give you great pleasures and it relaxes your body. The feeling is like no other. Would you be curious, adventurous and daring enough to try it? Don't have to answer it here, email me at honfapewpew@gmail.com or chat with me by adding me if you have gmail.


Then if a guy does it, how do you find it?

Well since I'm not a guy, I don't find it as gross. Hahaha but I don't mean that the person who does it is gross, don't get me wrong.


Language: English