
Gucci wannabe

Jeigu turėtum galimybę atsisakyt visų savo žmogiškų poreikių ir protu pasiekti visišką begalybę, žinoti viską, kas egzistuoja ir kas neegzistuoja, prarasti laiko sąvoką ir amžiams būti visur ir visada, ar pasinaudotum šia galimybe?

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Latest answers from Gucci wannabe

💜 Love songs or breakup songs?

Love songs sound like breakup songs if you're singing them outside your exes windows in the rain, crying.
Love songs forever

When was the last time you received flowers? What was the occasion? 🌻

I just got a baby plant from my landlord yesterday as a house warming gift, that was nice.

How old were you when you had your first serious relationship?

What do you mean serious
Everything in my life is serious

Language: English