

Latest answers from cybercryptid

Does milk drip down your chin when you eat cereal? I need to know if I am normal.

Eww I hate that feeling

Have you ever stayed at home alone for many days when your family went somewhere? .😱⬇

A couple days but not like a lot

what would u do if ur ex is married but called u multiple times at 3am

They can't contact me they don't have access

Why do I sometimes feel so desperate to be with someone and feel the need to change myself in order to fit into their idea of “beautiful”? I don’t think love should require one to abandon themselves and who they are at their core in order to please someone else.

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Maybe you want human connection so bad or don't feel like you're enough on your own and I think that's a good place to start a relationship. Some people can pick up on that and use it against you. Ive seen it with so many

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