
Selim Lemouchi

Ask @swisstemples

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Hey Swiss! Love your work. I am wondering if you can make a list with suggestable buys from ebay etc with recommended Castor oil, sulfasalazine, dermaroller etc. Thanks in advance.

No I can't sorry

When you first started growing new hairs were they blonde at first? I've been using this topical solution containing castor oil, green tea, coconut oil, peppermint soap etc. for 2 months & my entire hairline is filled in w/ these tiny blonde hairs. Do you think these hairs will grow longer & darken?

Some were blonde but most were pigmented light brown which is my natural color.

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the what to buy is great but brands and a short tuition would be fantastic, also the things rated as medium etc is it necessary?

Necessary, not really. But beneficial for sure.
I won't link to where you can buy something because I do not want anything to do with that. I said I'm not selling something and I also do not get kick backs from anyone.

Hi there and thanks for all this great information. I have read many times that Niacin flush releases PGD2 from the cells, and continued use reduces PGD2 significantly. Have you considered this at all? Thanks. Mark

There's no proof that it actually reduces pgd2. Pgd2 only has a half life of 30 minutes anyway so you can't "flush it away" as it will be remade. On the contrary niacin induces a massive temporary release of pgd2 so it's a bad idea.

neogenic stemoxydine is quite expensive, where you buy yours? ty

I bought mine at a local drugstore once at clearance sale. Was 50% off.
Some people bought redken stemox which is cheaper than l'oreal.

Hi Swisstemple, I am impressed by your work and would like to replicate your method. Upon further research, safest and trusted way of obtaining Setipiprant is to do group buy at PHG. Unfortunately, I cannot find this PHG forum. Does it need private invitation? If so, please invite me. Thanks!

Yes you need an invite. Please contact user "tubzy".

i used fin and had strong sides, I dare not mess with meds again. so i am not using anything right now to inhibit dht. i had a transplant ages ago but recently am beginning to show more scalp and my hairline has gone down. do you think your regime, could help to maintain and improve my hairline?

Yes definitely

I've had ok results using laser helmet, minox with added minomuck. I'm changing my regimen to yours, but I just bought a Theradome laser helmet... is there any use for this? f.ex instead or with these UVB lamps?

No the Theradome is a scam. Return yours if you still can! Several users who bought one said it's utter crap. And at 800$ it's expensive crap.
UVB actually works especially combined with sulfa.

Hi Selim, I apologize if this has been asked before. I am a little bit concerned about the sunburn thing. Aren't you worried about inducing skin cancer by exposing your skin to such extreme amounts of UV radiation so that it causes skin damage...EVERY WEEK?! Think about the long term effects....

It's fine it's only UVB not full spectrum. Those lamps are made to treat psoriasis.
Sunburns are only worthwhile if you're also taking Sulfasalazine.

How bad are low Blood and Saliva levels of E2(Estradiol) in terms of MPB? Simply reducing DHT doesn't work like it should. Appreciate your work man!

Low estradiol levels are very bad because estradiol inhibits ptgds which creates pgd2. The less estrogen you have the more ptgds which equals more pgd2.

Hi (and thanks for for extensive research on this matter). At this point, I was considering having a hair transplant. Knowing what you know, if you were me, would you still go ahead or would you rather give a try to your "formula"?

Jaime Jiménez Titos
I would definitely wait. My approach works and we even had many cures at the hairloss world congress this year. 2016 seems to be the death of mpb.

Swiss, thank you SO much for all you have done for us! I would love to hear your thoughts on Fullerene C60. Also, do you think those adenosine topicals like shiseido's Adenogen is worth adding in the regimen?

I use c60 orally it's a great supplement. Never used it topically. You're probably talking about the topical fulleren hair growth study? Well I never used it in that way. Adenosine won't grow hair it only thickens what you have.

Swiss, my hero, thanks for giving me some hope! I heard that supplementation with COQ10 increases PGE2. Do you think its worth taking this along with castor oil? I also heard that Palm oil upregulates CD200 and CD34 and that vitamin B12 increases WNT signalling. I'd like to know your opinion on it!

Haha thanks. Do you have a link for that? Topical b12? Haven't heard about any of those. Cool that you're doing research!
Liked by: Isso wa

selenium disulfide reduces pgd2, but is unfortunately a cox inhibitor? or is it worth a shot replacing sulfasalazine with selsun blue, or something else containing selenium disulfide?

From what I've read lately it seems not worth it.

Dear Swiss, what do you think about using Calcipotriol since it has been shown to positively effect a number of downregulated receptors and genes in the balding scalp. Considering its effect on CD200, for example, shouldn't we be using this as part of our regimens? Thank you very much in advance!

Calci is great indeed but it's hard to get and somewhat expensive. Unless you know a good source you'd like to share?

Hi!, since Stemoxydine blisters you recommend use a mask densify Kerastaseor or shampu Vichy Dercos Neogenic with Stemoxydine? Thanks!

Do I recommend the shampoo? Yes I use the shampoo as well. Don't think it's needed though. The lotion is more important.

How would I mix the castor oil in ethanol? What's the best ratio? Thanks for sharing your protocol btw :).

Try 30%

Dear Swiss, thank you VERY MUCH for giving me hope. I'll be following your work closely! I have a patchy beard, and if I could improve it this would certainly help me deal with hair loss. Is it possible without the hypertrichosis effect of oral castor oil? I know minox work but it ages the skin.

You could try androgens, but you know what that will do to your scalp hair. :D

Do fin and dut affect testosterone at all, or just DHT?

They both RAISE testosterone because they inhibit DHT. Fin does so at about 20%, Dut at 43%.


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