
Selim Lemouchi

Ask @swisstemples

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What do you think about Calcification, Do you have any plan to add something against it?

Just like fibrosis, if you really have it dmso peels could help you out.

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Swiss hi sorry for my English, I'm from Argentina and I wanted to consult, if the use of desloratadine is good or bad for your hair? and whether cromolyn serves to lower PGD2. I do not have as SETI. thank you very much for your time and effort

Ivan Borchi
I don't know about desloratadine but cromo has been tried before and didn't work as expected. Most likely it blocks pge2 too.

Some of the chemicals you mention don't seem to be available on the market. My understanding is that you need to source them yourself. Do you have any plans to make these group buys more widely available? What do you suggest to those who want to get access to them?

It's not me organizing the groupbuys I'm just a member that's all. Try to get an invite to PHG that's your best chance. I don't trust Kane because he has been caught selling fake stuff before and he has been investigated by the police for that too and had to pay fines.

(cont) then WNT can produce new pge2 receptors which could be bad then. So maybe it depends on the right concentration and ratio of pge2 and other stuff and the the theory that across the board certain things are good and other things are bad is not right.

Disagree. See for example this study where a full pge2 agonist prevented people from cancer radiation treatment from losing hair. That's how strong and beneficial pge2 is.

I think your your theory that pge2 is good across the board is not that right. I read studies showing the ep2 receptor can habe positive effects but on the other hand increase cAMP and therefore leading to death of a hair follicle. The ep3 receptor can increase vegf and WNT which is good but (cont)

answered in part 2

Whats the reason for only loosing hair on our head in male pattern baldness? How come we dont loose any hair on our sides?

Hair follicles in different locations have more and less sensitivity to androgens. That's why hair transplants work.

Luteolin is claimed to reduce pdg2 significantly in some studies. Have U heard of it? Possible seti alternative like resveratrol?

Yes check the answer archive for both of those substances.

How did you find out about sulfa? Did you hear about it on forums or were you just searching scientific studies?

I read a freak study where it regrew a ton of hair together with a sunburn.

Out of all of the things you're doing, which is seemingly a lot, what would you say is the most crucial? Youve essentially gotten hair transplant results without a hair transplant. Why can't big pharma replicate this in some way? PGE2 seems to be so obviously the answer to the overall problem.

You need all four angles you can't just pick one. That being said the wounding is probably most important regarding follicle neogenesis. But again, wounding on its own does very little.

I'm a diffuse thinner and I've been using only minox for the last 4 years. I'm afraid I made a huge mistake by not using a DHT blocker and that my follicles have all minimized and that if I stop using minox, I will quickly lose everything. How can I get off minox without losing everything?

Why don't you stay on it? If it works for you it'd be a bad idea to get off.

I'm pretty desperate to come off oral spiro 200mg (7 months) , but after seeing this re growth this kid got I can't bring my self to do it. Especially not having seti or pge2. http://www.hairlosstalk.com/interact/showthread.php/65485-My-Story-receding-hairline-at-16-NW3-at-19-Now-22-with-NW-0-5-1

It's up to you. Personally I don't think any man should take spiro it's just a shit drug. Blocking both testosterone and dht is not a good idea. Even though I am personally very much for blocking at least dht. Tried dut?

Is there anything else we can add to the ghetto protocol not seen on here? From In house or eBay , I was wondering about other arthritis / asthma drugs which would help.

There's some stuff in the "possible future treatments" table but I haven't researched these much. If you want to use them you have to look into them yourself or maybe make a thread on a forum and discuss.

I just bought some peppermint oil after seeing that question that was asked to you. After looking into it further it seems that it inhibits cox and pge2. Not sure what to do now?

I haven't looked into peppermint oil too much cause I'm concentrating on using "real" stuff for now. If you're sure it inhibits pge2 I'd not use it.

What is the chemical name of the PGE2 you are using, and how can one acquire it, be it in group buy or otherwise

Dinoprostone. PHG and Ziom both had groupbuys for it.

Hi, Swiss How is the hair growing? :) Soon i'll be starting the protocol too. But Having some issues getting some of the chemicals like VPA. Heard there are groupbuys going on @ PHG.com So i was wondering if i can get an invite @ PHG.com? Thanks.

Hey. Fine so far. Try to contact user "Tubzy" he's doing most of the invitation stuff right now. I can't offer invites anymore.

WHat are your thoughts on RU58841? Do you think it works to stop hairloss?

Yeah it works, several people on PHG are using it.

Please, please, please Swiss post a list of all the stuff that you use and where we can buy them. I really wanna follow your regime. Thanks.

I'm not posting a list of where you can buy stuff because people already say I'm trying to sell something. I'm not.


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