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We each deal with our emotions differently. There are times when I simply need to be alone, which is totally different than being and living alone. I know that sounds contradictory

AhmadBakheitMndo’s Profile Photo∆HMED
Nah.. It doesn't, I totally get you... My point was... During this time how are we supposed to deal with each other... Like if I'm married and my husband is going through this phase... Do I just sit back and watch it pass...?
+4 answers in: “مــسـ ـاحـ ـه 🌱💚”

This is called as ‘men going into their caves’ to work out things in their mind. Once they think about it, sort out the problem, find a solution they will come back if needed

I already know that... And that's actually what I've said, just in different wording... But that wasn't my point and has nothing to do with it tbh
+4 answers in: “مــسـ ـاحـ ـه 🌱💚”


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