
17 people

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Evet, kitap fuarına katılacağım.
-Çok soru gelmiş, ben bitirene kadar soru sormasanız olur mu? Yukarı kaçıyor sonra alttakile kayboluyor.:/

Und was hat das mit Araber zutun? Also Arabische Kurden oder wie kommts das sie als Araber bezeichnet werden und Arabisch reden? Interessiert mich grad voll 😊

Die aus Hatay und Antakya kommen sind doch auch Araber in der Türkei gibt es nicht nur Türken das weißt Du hoffentlich
Liked by: Nevraa

lan çok tatlısın aqq yerim lan seni gordum geçen antakya evleri var ya orda biyerde amk burda gormustum seni ilk sonra o gun ilk defa reelde gordum lan boyle bakiyorum burda ne kadar guzel oldugunu dusunuyordum gercekte binn kati aqq nasil biseysin beni gör diye yapmadigim kalmadi ama bakmadin😳❤

vays çok teşekkür ederiim ama o kadar sey yapma saol yine de❤

Assalamualaikum!👉🏻Islamic Question👉🏻Who were the Three Messengers who were send to Antakya to call the people towards Allah. What were their names?💡Hint: The Story is mentioned in Surah Yaseen.❌No Google please.🅰Answer will be given shortly In sha Allah. ⛔️Note: I am not discouraging you here.

MuslimsUTD’s Profile PhotoMuslimsUTD
Idk ...Can you tell me?

Assalamualaikum!👉🏻Islamic Question👉🏻Who were the Three Messengers who were send to Antakya to call the people towards Allah. What were their names?💡Hint: The Story is mentioned in Surah Yaseen.❌No Google please.🅰Answer will be given shortly In sha Allah. ⛔️Note: I am not discouraging you here.

MuslimsUTD’s Profile PhotoMuslimsUTD
Wa'alaykum salam wa rahmatullahi wabarakatuh,. Wallahi I really don't know, send me the right answer akh. plz

Assalamualaikum!👉🏻Islamic Question👉🏻Who were the Three Messengers who were send to Antakya to call the people towards Allah. What were their names?💡Hint: The Story is mentioned in Surah Yaseen.❌No Google please.🅰Answer will be given shortly In sha Allah. ⛔️Note: I am not discouraging you here.

MuslimsUTD’s Profile PhotoMuslimsUTD
I don't know. Allahu alem, may Allah give me knowledge

Assalamualaikum!👉🏻Islamic Question👉🏻Who were the Three Messengers who were send to Antakya to call the people towards Allah. What were their names?💡Hint: The Story is mentioned in Surah Yaseen.❌No Google please.🅰Answer will be given shortly In sha Allah. ⛔️Note: I am not discouraging you here.

MuslimsUTD’s Profile PhotoMuslimsUTD
Walekum as salaam....
Don't Know...

Assalamualaikum!??Islamic Question??Who were the Three Messengers who were send to Antakya to call the people towards Allah. What were their names??Hint: The Story is mentioned in Surah Yaseen.❌No Google please.?Answer will be given shortly In sha Allah. ⛔️Note: I am not discouraging you here.

MuslimsUTD’s Profile PhotoMuslimsUTD
Tbh I'll have to go the quran to answer your question

Assalamualaikum!👉🏻Islamic Question👉🏻Who were the Three Messengers who were send to Antakya to call the people towards Allah. What were their names?💡Hint: The Story is mentioned in Surah Yaseen.❌No Google please.🅰Answer will be given shortly In sha Allah. ⛔️Note: I am not discouraging you here.

MuslimsUTD’s Profile PhotoMuslimsUTD
Sorry I don't know , but inshallaah I'll read yaasee wid meaning

Assalamualaikum!👉🏻Islamic Question👉🏻Who were the Three Messengers who were send to Antakya to call the people towards Allah. What were their names?💡Hint: The Story is mentioned in Surah Yaseen.❌No Google please.🅰Answer will be given shortly In sha Allah. ⛔️Note: I am not discouraging you here.

MuslimsUTD’s Profile PhotoMuslimsUTD
i dont know :(
remember in prayers n tell answer

Assalamualaikum!👉🏻Islamic Question👉🏻Who were the Three Messengers who were send to Antakya to call the people towards Allah. What were their names?💡Hint: The Story is mentioned in Surah Yaseen.❌No Google please.🅰Answer will be given shortly In sha Allah. ⛔️Note: I am not discouraging you here.

MuslimsUTD’s Profile PhotoMuslimsUTD
Waalaikumussalam dont know sorry 😂
Liked by: zar M Evialida MuslimsUTD

Assalamualaikum!??Islamic Question??Who were the Three Messengers who were send to Antakya to call the people towards Allah. What were their names??Hint: The Story is mentioned in Surah Yaseen.❌No Google please.?Answer will be given shortly In sha Allah. ⛔️Note: I am not discouraging you here.

MuslimsUTD’s Profile PhotoMuslimsUTD
Saduq, Masduq and Shalum were the three messengers Asked from my sister (Mutarjam ) some scholar says they were more then three named Shamoun, Yuhannah ,Saman ,shaduq, Shalum, Masduq and one other i can't recall but Most probably the three were as mentioned above ?

Assalamualaikum!??Islamic Question??Who were the Three Messengers who were send to Antakya to call the people towards Allah. What were their names??Hint: The Story is mentioned in Surah Yaseen.❌No Google please.?Answer will be given shortly In sha Allah. ⛔️Note: I am not discouraging you here.

MuslimsUTD’s Profile PhotoMuslimsUTD
no I am not able to answer it cuz I am not confirm. jazakillah!

Assalamualaikum!👉🏻Islamic Question👉🏻Who were the Three Messengers who were send to Antakya to call the people towards Allah. What were their names?💡Hint: The Story is mentioned in Surah Yaseen.❌No Google please.🅰Answer will be given shortly In sha Allah. ⛔️Note: I am not discouraging you here.

MuslimsUTD’s Profile PhotoMuslimsUTD
people of the town أصحاب القرية i think of Bulus and Yuhanna but third ???????

Hatay hakkında zerre şey bilmeden, bildiğini sanarak kitap yazması ne komik bazılarının.... ? o kadar çok mantık hatası varmış ki. Edizle Doğa Antakya ya yaya yürüyormuş...

Ekrana bir süre baktım dümdüz. Sonra kaşlarım kalktı, bir an nefesim süzüldü ve sonra iç geçirerek göz devirdim kırpışan kirpiklerimin arasından.
Ne diyeyim, susuyorum sadece. Gözlerinden falan kaçmıştır belki. İnce detaylar sonuçta bunlar.

Like=tbh : a5r marra 7aketni knt b antakya w ma 7snt a3rf w2t shufek ba3den rj3t mersin ma 7kena w 7ata bbali shufek w kl yom ytla3 shi w nset 7akiki w ba3d ma rj3t 3l s3udieh tzakart w 2lt la7ali 7akiki ma 7akiki shu 23mul ba3den ma 7aketek mshan ma kun awkward aw tkuni mtday2a aw shi xD

Daya3tini ?? lk ya allah ana kaman kan bdi shufek mdri mn emat 3m n2ul bas tji bdi arja3 shufek xD eh anyway 3adi fifaizz mn3awed gher marra?❤

Eda canım bende iskenderun da yaşıyorum ama antakya ve arsuz da da evlerim var tatlım yani buluşup beraberce mükemmel zaman geçirebilirz seni çok mutlu edeirm herşey aramızda kalır aşk yaşıyablriz hatta sevgili olablirz gezer eğleniriz inan bana pişman olmazsın çok cömert biriyimdir

Kışt ulan kışt uzaaaa mal.
Liked by: "E"RKAN!

aywa aywa aywa 😂😂😂😂😂 hl2 3rfna 2shfi bi antakya 😂😂😂😂😂😂 bdak tru7 3la beta ba2a ya bzer 😂😂😂😂 😂😂 ya 7ef trbayti fiq wlaaq puuu 3lek 😂😂😂😂😂😂 bzer 2za bdak t3a l3na 3l bet kman mshan takol atle mn zeen 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Hahahahaha😂😂😂😂😁😁 la la ttamani 😂😂 bs mshan zooze 7ram
Bt3rfini 7bab w bri2 😂😂🙊🙊
Liked by: Rana Hamameh M

svglm vardi yaklasik 1sene ciktik bazi sebeblerden ayrildkk suan o mersinde ve bska bir antakya da yasanyan kiza sevdgni soylemis ama soylemeden bi gun once bna ckk sicak hic birakmcakmis gbi sarildi yeminler edip bni sevdigini syledi suan wpdan engelledi Unutamiyorum napiym

ihanetin en buyugunu yapmis krdsm ,bsver sen unut onu haytina devam et . o seni unutamasin

sevgilim vardi yaklasik 6 ay ciktik ama ailesi yani dersler icin ayrildkk şuan o mersinde ve baska bir antakya da yasanyan kiza sevdigini soylemis ama soylemeden bi gun once bana cokk sicak hic birakmicakmis gibi sarildi yeminler edip beni sevdigini soyledi suan wpdan engelledi Unutamiyorum napiym

İhanetin en büyüğünü yapmış. Bırak o unutamasın, sen unut.

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