
211 people

3 posts


https://ask.fm/gfjjo/answers/151123860054 - tbh I dont know ya bt you look good :D n chubby ❤️❤️❤️ bio on point :D it seems u are a bit introvert but once you get familiar you are irresistible ❤️❤️ Movielover ❤️❤️ black colour suits you :D folllowed ya❤️ stay blessed ❤️

Thank you So Much ???❤️ Followed you too ?

LGD about LINCHEONG good friend + classmate(1 year) always help me, tall guy st. john#9 movielover one for the twin tower form4 EC Dont always guailan person kay? hahaha you have the good condition, but why you dont want to take action? she wont wait to you

leongD ah leongD. don't always talk like a very experienced person although i know yr aquarium is full of fishes 🐠 🐟 and can open for public to visit alr. bte thanks for yr professional advice, free of charge right?

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