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Should medicine be kept in room temperature or the fridge? I keep some in my room, but I also keep a lot in the fridge

normally if it needs to be at a special temperature, it will state that on the bottle. Some suspensions and liquids need refrigeration. if it doesn't specify then probably keeping it at room temperature in a dry place is fine

Thank God for everything, I'm working in refrigeration and soon I'm going to open a teaching center but Corona 😫😫😫 got some problems in sha2 Allah after it will open it

anasmesterios’s Profile PhotoAnas alryashi
That’s good, good luck. Corona has stopped the world, but soon everything will return as it was, God willing.

ساوافيكم باخر انباء اسعار تنازلاتي المستمرة في سوق احداثي الهزيلة و لبيع اوراقكم الحارقة والتوقيع عليها بخط مائل خبتم وخابت أمنياتي بالرحيل عن اسواقكم المعلنة ارباحها اليوم وخسارتها غدا .... قلمي....مساحة بلغة تخصصك

Anwar Radi
Be like Carnot cycle the lord of the refrigeration cycle the other cycle hopes to be like it, ✨

ما رح ارد عليك 😊 اكتب carnot engine عالجوجل وادرس عنه 👍 او انك بس توخذ مادة power and refrigeration cycles بتعرف شو بحكي ههههه فكك من قصص الثيرموداينمكس وسواليف السنافر 😂😂😂

ههههههههههه ولك ياهبل انا تخصصي تكييف وتبريد ،، باخد ref 1, 2 وكل المواد اللي الها دخل بسايكلات التبريد :p

ماذا تفعلون يا قوم ,,,في هذا المساء الماطر ,, أروني إبداعاتكم .. بريق حروفكم ,,, صورة تحبونها ,, خاطرة بقلمكم ,, ملاحظاتكم و إقتراحاتكم حول صفحتنا ,, أو حول صاحب الصفحة ,,, أي شيء المهم تحركوا وغادروا حالة السكون هذه ^__^ يسعد مساكم ^__^

ooOptimistic’s Profile Photoتبسمك صدقة ツ
Refrigeration Cycle
جلطتتننننني ... توهت كل مفاهيم الثيرمو عندي >____<

penises, oooh shriek me up the shimmyway tree and bounce along the gummy bear path until you reach the jesus with a toast tattoo. tell him in a sensual tone 'i need refrigeration before mother sneaks into my untold regrettable sneakers'. he will reply 'soon my child'. THEN YOU MUST... tbc

please continue the story I am enjoying it a lot...

you think you have a hard life, but you don't, youre spoiled and you get everything you want, grow up.

me, have everything I want, are you kidding me? Have you seen where I live? how much clothes I have? What kind of phone I have? I think you have the wrong jessica cause there is no way I am spoiled! my family had to move because my mom and dad both got layed off ans the house was to exspensive. I live in a complex and my room is tiny! I have like barely and room to walk and I have barley ANY clothes, if I threw out the clothes that don't fit me, I have 5 shirts, 5 shorts, and 5 pants. the only way I got new clothes is because of my grandma. the only reason I have a roof over my head is bc of my grandma. if it wasnt for my g-ma, I would probulary be living with my grandma and my 90 year great-grandpa. My mom got a new job, and my dad goes to school for refrigeration and stuff like that so he can get a good job and get some money for my family. I get to do soccer, dance, show choir, and jobs daughters is because of other people(mainly my grandma). my mom and dad constantly fight, and it makes me upset bc I dobt want to fight so much they get a divorce. I love my family. so dont judge me. ba bye!

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we need to go to los Santos from.there we will go to the lab and get the nerve gas Trevor will be in a helicopter and on my go he will pick up the crate which contains the nerve gas after it is put in to safe refrigeration your job is to make sure that fucking fib agent doesn't do some sneaky shit.

i didn't understand anything of what you just wrote LMFAO
Liked by: gia Madeline castiel♛

Last question: Who has been the biggest influence on your life? What lessons did that person teach you? Why are they exactly an influence in your life; can you not be your own? Why or why not? Have fun answering!

Bipabrena’s Profile PhotoMetatron
Oh my goodness. My mother? My dad? The man who taught me the refrigeration trade? My highschool Ag teacher? But you asked for the "biggest influence" didn't you? OK. Jesus has been the biggest influence in my life. Without His personal mentoring, I can only shudder at what my life would be like now.
Liked by: king kal Jessieee Xal

Language: English