
Danil Reshetnikov

Ask @theDiamondprox

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Do you think that Gambit as an organisation is responsible for some of your difficulties ? (Bad internet, problem with gaming house, coach always late,..)

Tom - Savety_
Well they are responsible for that, obviously. But for myself I can justify their misses because for all the shit that could happen, they usually had "plan B"(if one internet sucks, we got another one. if forgiven gets banned, we can use steelback, if steelback cant play, we will use P1noy, etc.), but sometimes their "plan B" failed too, so they needed "plan C"(or plan Z in the forgiven's case xD) which they didn't have usually. So overall Gambit is fine, but with it's unluckiness they should prepare for the worst-worst case scenario every time.

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Do you miss the old GMB ? The GMB with Darien, Genja, Alex and Eddie ?

I miss some players, but what I miss much more is the kind of motivation we all had. Even though we had insane amount of disputes and controversy in the team, it always been overwhelmed by our desire to win, therefore we always communicated a lot and were almost only talking about the game days long.

What changes do you want to see to evelynn to make her viable again?

Bert Karlsson
well, after she got nerfed from being strong to being one of the weakest junglers - there is a lot of space to make her viable again. she definately needs some damage back, but u can go further and not just put +20 damage on Q, but increase some scalings(from AD, AP, maybe even make shield from ultimate scale with HP) instead, so she will have a viable DIFFERENT ways of building again.

What do you think about rammus?

Oskari Virta
in certain situations he is the best pick u can take. it requir enemies to not have much annoying disengage+oneshot champs (thresh, janna, syndra are very hard to play against, for example.)
Liked by: Waiching NG

thoughts about jungle sion?

his spells are fun, but I dont see him viable atm. he is too immobile and also weak 1v1. but if junglers will have good midgame tanky items - maybe he will be strong.
Liked by: logan.

What do you think is the major factor that makes league of legends so fun to play? :)

I don't know
It's the amount of good work put into this game from our beloved company. Even though I hate some decisions they made and will make, I understand that you can't have perfect workers everywhere. They are by far the best company in gaming industry imo.
Let's always remember how good and fun their game is for us and forgive their little mistakes.

Данила, Пойдешь ли ты на LAN-финалы Starladder в Санкт-Петербурге 1-2 ноября?

Виталий Ильин
Нет. Даже несмотря на то, что этот ивент мне неинтересен, в дни его проведения все равно буду занят. Poets of the fall приезжают ;)
Liked by: Dataico Albertin

Правда что ты можеш уйти из Gambit Gaming?

Отсюда нельзя уйти, можно только спастись! ;)
Если серьезно - в ближайшие пол года - точно нет. Сама организация не имеет равных в европе, а команда... Организация прикладывает все усилия, чтобы её команда стала ещё сильнее, но это уж не моё дело. Моё дело - работать над собой и помогать тиммейтам.

what is your opinion about xPeke? thanks diamond

hehehe hohoho
he used to be the best kassadin in the world. one of a few guys, who ever impressed me with dodge mechanics. also a strong and kinda innovative player.
but now all the eu midlaners improved a lot, and because of that he doesn't seem that dangerous for me anymore, but i still like him.

What is the golden rule in jungling?

I don't know
You should follow three most important rules at the same time if you wanna get a high elo:
Never die
Don't waste ur time when you can farm, but don't farm when you surely can help your team
Be a commander. You'll suck at it first, but then(after you'll learn when to do nash/drag and when to not, after you'll learn how to help your teammates by just pinging, etc.) it will help to gain elo by just manipulating ur teammates wisely.

what do u think about VI? she seemed to disappear, i think she super tanky while dealing so much % damage. Any chance to see her back by your hand? XD

DungHoang651’s Profile PhotoDung Hoang
She is an awesome jungler, but not always. In some teamcompositions she will shine. I'm almost always able to play her, but usually some other champions are just better.
Liked by: Sonya Cherneva

If you participate at IEM Cologne how do you think you will perform? Do you think Gambit's teamwork improved?

I don't know
Well, if we will be performing there - I'll put as much effort as I can to win this tounament. It some kind of a tradition for us to be on IEM finals every year and it won't happen w/o good performance at IEM Cologne.
Our teamwork improved hugely after roster changes, but it's never perfect.

why did u think j4 is worst teamfighter from toptier junglers? I think with tanky-built, j4 ult is really helpful in 5-5 fights.

fritzle28’s Profile PhotoNguyễn Trường Sơn
Well, thats not him being completely useless, but other champions being better.
I'm just comparing him with elise/vi/lee/kha/gragas. Some of them are better tanks, some can change fight with just 1 spell, maybe he is better than kha in some cases but thats all. His tankyness is very questinable because he is a jungler with no money, his CD on combo is too high for fights and his ultimate... you rarely can find someone w/o escapes if you are not hella ahead and burned all the enemy flashes before the teamfight.
That being said, he is loosing duels almost to any other junglers. And even when he can outtrade some1, he needs to jump so fucking deep, wasting his only escape, that it can backfire hugely if any help will come from enemy's side.

1) Are you getting back to the top form? 2) Does actual meta fits you?

Right now I'm just chilling, sometimes joining soloq just to get some fun. I will be getting my form back a little bit later(in ~20 days).
I like playing current meta. Because it contains atleast 7 viable junglers and that's definately better than 3. Also as much junglers are viable as easier for me to play, because I usually spend a lot of time analizing who is better in which circumstances.

What is your opinion on the state of Elise now? It seems like it has been out-shined by kha'zix, lee sin and Jarvan IV lately.

Chan Yin Cheung Vincent
Lee Sin is truly outshines her right now, but j4 and nerfed kha... I wouldn't say so. Jarvan is the worst teamfighter from toptier junglers, unless he lands everything perfectly, which is very hard. And kha'zix even before nerf could've been easily outdueled by elise, imagine what happens now.
Liked by: Sonya Cherneva

i'd like to know whats the concept in choosing the seals as jungler. i've seen armor, amor/lvl and hp/lvl. knowing that could you explain what's the mindgame behind this?

MatteusMartinsPereira’s Profile PhotoMatteus Martins Pereira
when you need early sustain or ability to fight full-ad enemy jungler - you take flat armor(it saves you a couple of healthpotions), but there are champions which dont always need those runes(elise, gragas etc.) and they usually run flathp, hp/lvl or arm/lvl runes, while it depends on enemy teamcomposition and mostly on enemy jungler. (for example i used to get arm/lvl runes as elise against kha'zix, because w/o them after lvl 7 you are going to get poked very hard just from him since you coudn't buy early armor items as elise.)

Do you thing invading enemy jungler lvl 2 and killing him is cheesy and stupid. Why do i ask ? Because yesterday i played against shook and i killed him lvl 2 by invading his jungle then he reported me and kept being salty towards me with some "offensive" words, ur opinion on lvl 2 soloq invades ?

MarioVangelov’s Profile PhotoМарио Вангелов
After I met Rudy, my life as a jungler has changed dramatically. ;)
Imo invades are fine overall and you should always be prepared and ask ur teammates to ward what's needed, but the only thing really annoys me is when enemy jungler invading me with his ass-friend gaycrank, while my guys are chilling. Even in worst cases invading isn't equal to cheating or smthng and completely fair, so that's fine.

Star Wars or Lord of the Rings? In addition it would be cool if you would play Hearthstone while playing League on stream :)

Alex Black
1) I like both, but prefer Star Wars more.
2) Meh... I dislike playing ladder there since meta has changed to rock-paper-scissors style. But maybe...
Liked by: Sonya Cherneva


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