
Danil Reshetnikov

Ask @theDiamondprox

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Do you think that with hard work everything is possible or u need to be also talented ?

I think that hard work with no talent beats talent with no hardwork, but its better to have both. If you ask me about LoL - current skill-lvl+anyones big talent can be surpassed just by a correct hardwork.

You're saying you build lizard and full tank on a lot of junglers. Added to that you say that you see people not punishing the other jungler. Don't you need an extra ad item to punish those junglers even better?

Kha is able to, but with others I don't like to. Been tank is much more usefull.

What is your opinion on Mobi boots vs boots with 'real' combat stats like Tabi, Mercs, Lucidity boots on junglers? Are mobility a must for a jungler?

boots of mobility are really good on junglers, but i buy them only when i need to roam a lot or when i just have gold for it and dont really need one of other boots.

Why do you think EU >= NA? So far world's has proven it should at the least be NA >= EU.

Because EU has much better soloq practice environment. And teams overall are better in EU, in my opinion. With an exception of C9 and maybe someone else.
On WC FNC showed the same result as LMQ and Alliance were a bit worse than C9, but they are an exception.


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