
Danil Reshetnikov

Ask @theDiamondprox

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Do you think that rito should buff elise? She has 43% winrate and popularity is going down and down.

ppl are tired of playing that "mainstream" champ and also she has a very hard-to-balance kit, because its very good when you are playing it on the highest level. but tbh she is just "bad" when you are playing average on her.

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Do U think that Wickd is overrated? I think he is only gd at Irelia and nothing else, and he is not qualify to stay in the "super team" IMO. He is very arrogant tho, he is always overconfident abt himself even he always make silly mistakes and performs bad.

he plays a good irelia and used to be a good shyvana/renekton, but sometimes he is just out of meta.

What is your take on why is Rammus' winrate so high atm in every tier?

He can gank efficiently and very often in soloq. Also he cant build ad shit-items which usually leads to throwing games(trust me, kha'zix would have ~5-10% more winrate in soloq, if he wouldn't be able to build more than 2 ad per 1 tanky item). And what is important too - he has a lot of CC.

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Люблю очень много всего. От супов до мяса, от мяса до рыбы и от рыбы до сладостей.
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But, Edward left once and he came back, so maybe Alex could have the same situation, what do you think of that ?

At that time EdWard got back to the team, we had no options of playing with non-Russianspeaking supports due to Genja's and Darien's knowledge of english. And he was the best in that cathegory. Also he improved his behaviour HUGELY in the last ~12 months in a positive direction.

Какая команда на ЧМ на данный момент впечатлила сильнее всего?

Относительно ожиданий от команд, больше всех удивили OMG.


Language: English