
Tonie Ramirez

Ask @tonie23

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Do you call each other be any pet names? (Ex. Babe, Baby, Boo, Love, Honey, Sweetheart, ect.) If so, what?

He calls me babe, baby, boo, sweetie, little fucker, and cutie lol
I called him babe like once but it was a little weird to me so I mostly just call him dumbass or dude and bruh

Was Christian mad you wore your best friends jersey?

I didn't tell him because it's not a big deal lol but if he knows it's probably because Pat told him. But he hasn't said anything to me about it

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How does he feel about you having guy friends?

If he doesn't like it he could get over it, that probably sounds mean but my friendships with my boys aren't gonna change just because I have a boyfriend
Liked by: rachel barry

Who is the nicest person in your grade?

Uhm I think Daysha. She's sweet to everyone except if she doesn't like you lol

Who is someone you are complete opposites with but are good friends anyway?

Hmm I think I'm alike with all my friends in some way

How did you guys meet?

He rode my bus everyday to go to work and I always fucked with him and called him cute an shit lol

What is your best quality in your personality in your opinion?

I don't think I have any good qualities besides the fact that I'm there for anyone at anytime no matter what

What day did you start dating? How long have you been together?

Well we've had a thing for 2 months exactly today actually and i think we've been dating for a week lol

Pros and cons of a relationship?

Pros: you're with someone you care about, you could have fun with your significant other, you get the satisfaction of knowing that person is with you, and if you mean my relationship than we could have fun and joke around and call each other names and play around an be so sarcastic with each other it's great I love it
Cons: people get the wrong idea when you hang out with your friends of the opposite sex

Do you ever miss being single?

Not really. I mean I wish that people wouldn't get the wrong idea whenever I do something with a guy friend, like how I wore Tj's jersey. I just think it's stupid how people assume and stuff cuz most of my friends are guys

What is the sweetest thing your boyfriend has done for you?

He hasn't really DONE anything for me but he SAYS the sweetest things ever and I keep the things he says close to my heart

I thought you were close friends with Chantz?

I am REALLY close with Chantz lol we have a deep conversation like every morning but I don't really hang out with him outside of school an he doesn't have his phone so we can't text


Language: English