
Tonie Ramirez

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I don't think Norman & racheal will last. Do u?

I honestly think they will. Norman's like in love with her and she has no issue with what he does just as long as he doesn't cheat and if you knew Norman you'd damn well know he is NOT about that life lol so I think it'll last and they'll continue to make each other happy. Everyone deserves to be happy (:
Liked by: Princess Kaylie

Do you think that there are any topics that there should be more movies about?

No horror chiller and suspence are my shit!
I mean who doesn't love to watch a dumb blonde run upstairs and ask stupid questions instead of running out the door and calling the cops? Lol

False. Odds r it won't b in ur favor. Look like u got urself a fukd up fam

Looks like you need a dictionary. Learn how to spell moron

Tonie, that will never happen to you, you're better than that. I think you will go far in life (: You're strong you got this! But at the end of the day you do make your own choices, so make good ones because I know you you have a strong chance of being successful in life. You go girl!

Thank you, I so wish I knew who this was
Liked by: rachel barry

I think you seem like a really smart girl, and you dont have to worry about ending up like that! If you ever need to talk to someone about anything I'm here. :)

Ali Scoppettone
Awe thanks Ali, I'm looking forward to reading that advice column now (:
Liked by: Ali Scoppettone

Like who

My mom: pregnant at 16 married by 17 and completely reliant on men in her life, a woman that abandoned me with my grandparents for 5 years and never told me goodbye when she left, then returned with news that she was divorced and moved 3 times without my knowledge, she gets mixed into the wrong things and doesn't know how to provide for herself. She's bipolar and doesn't know how to let her kids feel loved
My dad: a man who was a drug addict and alcoholic for half of my life and completely abandoned me until the age of 10, a disabled veteran who could barely walk, who's medication messed with him in ways I can't describe and living with his parents at almost 40 because he's unable to work, drive or provide for his daughter
My uncle: an alcoholic and drug addict that lost his wife, house, kids, and ended up in rehab for making bad decisions, and living with his parents because he can't find a job due to his past mistakes 
My grandpa Ruben: an alcoholic that has been sent to the hospital more times than I could remember and was told each time "one more time and you're dead" he's in the hospital right now...
My grandma: a women that cared so much and worried about her family to the point where stress got the best of her and produced a brain tumor that is still growing in her head and messes with her emotions, she can't control them... 
All of these people listed are the people that are in my life everyday... I just hope their habits and issues don't rub off on me even more than it already has...

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Do u think Rachel took Norman away from his friends

I don't pay attention to that well enough to know who he hangs out with now

Were u and Norman friends before you did it

Well duh. We texted and talked a lot. We didn't really hang out that much though. He was that one person that always texted me and joked around with me ya know? And i loved talking to him he was a good friend. Kinda miss the friendship. But he's totally focused on Rachel and I think that's great because he deserves to be happy. I don't get why the friendship ended, but I'd say it's both our faults because I pushed him away and he just didnt text me. But after everything, we have no problem with each other, we talked it out and we're fine

3 cute freshman?

Hunter Gore
Nine Inch Nate
And Taylor Williams is the sweetest thing ever lol
You didn't tell me to chose boys or girls ha soo


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