
Tonie Ramirez

Ask @tonie23

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Is there any person you are afraid of?

It's not a person, lol I'm scared of my moms right hand. That bitch used to beat the shit out of me if my outfits didn't match like what? Hahah

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How com u & j nevr did anything

Well what had happened was his mom had a talk with me around the beginning of the second time we got together. Now I respect his mom, I always have an I always will. And the only thing she asked of me was to not get sexual with Justin. I understood and respected her wishes. So I never did anything with Justin out of respect for his mom and his family.

I think it's ironic u & Rachel fought you're exactly alike

I think that was part of the issue. We are A LOT alike, even if neither of us like it there's nothing we could do about it. We share basically the same interests and have the same view on things. It doesn't matter that we fought anymore her and I are over it. We basically were just like it happened it's done. We can't hold grudges forever. Seriously I got over it the same day it happened and so did she. But I could see where you get the irony from
Liked by: rachel barry

Who supports u & tries to help u through situations

All of my friends do. But right now I'd say more Cory Noreen. Whenever I have an issue he gives me advice and continues to check in. He wants to see me happy and makes sure I'm doin alright. So yea lol 

Why r u friends with Angelica she's a hoe

Let me start off by saying fuck you. Don't talk shit. That's one of my bestfriends I've known her since pre school. So you need to shut your fucking mouth seriously. You don't know what the hell she's been through or how her life is and you don't know if she regrets any of it or not so don't be a bitch. I bet you anything you're one of our friends too. So don't be a fake bitch gtfo anon and ask this to my face or bring it up with her. Don't fucking talk shit on her
Liked by: Briana

What can you do to make this world a better place?

The world would be a better place if girls didn't get their periods. Bet there'd be a lot less bitches around
Oh and if Cam Gigandet was my husband <3
Liked by: Whitney Ornellas

Oh I always thought u guys were a thing

Lol what? No of course not. Hahah we're more like family than anything. In fact they just invited me to go to Disneyland with them this week (:

Why r u always with Johnny Hoskins

He is seriously like my little brother. I've known him my whole life. My uncle and dad were bestfriends with his parents all through high school. Btw johnnys parents have been together since 8th grade isn't that a trip? Lol anyways we're closer than ever and I spend most of my time with the Hoskins. I go to almost all of his soccer games and spend most of my weekends with them. I spend more time with them than I do with my own family. I'm pretty much a Hoskins lol and I'm really over protective when it comes to John John and Jacob.
Liked by: Kyanna Faith

Why did u stop being FWB with the boy

I don't think it was exactly fwb I think it was just fooling around lol and we stopped talking to each other after a while and we didn't have any classes together after that so yea Hahah

U still friends w the boy you lost it to

We're civil and got no problem with talking to him I just don't go out of my way to talk to him lol

When did u go see evil dead

Whenever it was in theatres still? Lol we went with friends duh. We just all went back to dayshas that night.

Anything happen that nite?

Well... When we went to see the internship, we were just friends. But whenever we saw evil dead we still had something going on so.. Yea.

Who is ur ultimate bestfriend

Ok well I'm gonna go ahead and say Jeremy and Daysha. Us 3 have had a bit of bonding and I can't really see my life without them. They're more of family to me than anyone. Seriously they both call my dad "dad" and both call my grandma "grandma". And out of all my boys Terelle and Jeremy are the ones that my dad trusts me COMPLETELY with. But yea Jeremy and Daysha forsure.

Did u guys kiss or hold hands or anything there ?

Lol I JUST said we were friends hanging out. Friends can't go to the movies together? That's not the only movie we went to see ha

I saw how u said the internship was a waste of money to see but didn't u go see that with Normen

Norman* damn you'd think by now people know how to spell his name
and no it wasn't just me and Norman. It was Jeremy Whitney Tj Lisa Cory bri and then us two
Liked by: Briana

Justin deserves to b happy

Well he's not gonna be happy with me. Seriously why the hell are people wondering about this. ITS NOT HAPPENING


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