
Toni-lee Waldron

Ask @toniilee1

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How would you explain yourself ?

I would say that I'm a very weird person :L. I'm very open and very honest haha. I judge people very quick but I guess we all do? I love people that r funny, honest and good to have a bitch with. I am a very easily jealous person -.- and I do get annoyed easily haha. I love to do weird things and yeah. Lol.

fave photo of you and lucy

I like this photo because we couldn't get over the fact of how much of stoners we look! HAHA! Btw, we have not tried weed guys. But we were really tiered and yeah haha. And there 1 more photo but I couldn't find it. It's from last year. We were sending photos to Jordyn. That day we laughed and we got along so well! It was great :)

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Photo of the people you are closest to and who have impacted your life a lot

Lucy: she changed me so much, she made me not do such stupid things in life and she made a massive impact on my schooling.
Luke: his made me such a happier person. His made me not do stupid things and has a great sense in life.
Jessica: She made me laugh so much and laughing makes yah live longer ;) haha. I trust her a lot and she a good friend!
Zoe: she changed me sense we have meet. She always been there for me. I lover her a lot because she stopped me from getting bashed and she got hit herself <3 and she such a brave beautiful girl.
Taylor: she made me a happier girl. She made me not do crazy things in life and she also made me go in the right path :)

you are super gay and idk if i should go to school tomozza, helps mes!

Lucy Payne
Go to school for once ;) I kidding. Go yah loser. I don't wanna be bored and shit plus we have business

If you were not dating Luke, what would you be doing ?

I honestly don't know. You would be surprised at how much his changed me. I guess I would be a pretty stupid person really. It's him and Lucy who have made a massive impact :) but idk, I'm thankful for him
Liked by: Lucy Payne

You say you want to be a. Hair dresser but you would refuse to promote hair products?

I never said I " wanted " to be a hair dresser? It's always been my second option. I've wanted to do something with crime dickhead!
Liked by: Tiana Rangihuna

Toni your amazing an so beautiful, I love joking with you and you legit have the best personality and im glad we're friends and yeah you mean alot to me <3 ily

Aw! Thank you <3 xoxo. Inbox me who this is :3

Do you feel as if Lucy leaving you and she starting to love Luke?

I wouldn't say she starting to love Luke, but I feel as if I'm getting left out because of Luke. Fair enough if her and Luke know every thing about each other. But yet again, I've been there for her when she balled her eyes out to me about people and I helped her & tried comfining her. Idk, but it feels as if Luke more important then me, but shit happens really.
Liked by: Taylor sands


Language: English