
Vanessa Brudz

Ask @vanessabrudzz

You would like the book "the 1$ horse" and also the sequel and then you'd also like the book "missing" :) missing takes about two chapters to get into it :)

Okay :)

What traits do you have that are just like your mother?

Being short for the physical traits, and stubborn for personality traits

Is there a dish you always wanted to try?

Probably just any recipe that I find on Pintrest that I don't have the ingredients for

If you were to write a book what would it be about?

Horses. Or maybe a crime. Ohhhh a crime involving horses!!!

What one piece of advice would you give to your younger self?

Don't live in the future or the past. live now, and focus on what matters to you. Yesterday is HISTORY. You learn from it. Tomorrow is a MYSTERY. You don't know what is going to happen. But, today is a PRESENT, so cherish it.

Language: English