
victoria moore

Ask @viccmoore

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It's because she cares about Ty and wants him back stop denying it we all know you want him back

yes i care about him as a friend but that's not why i refuse to believe you anon's lol and no, as rude as it sounds, i don't want ty back and i'm not "denying" it, i'm happy with where my life is at rn, so would you please stop making assumptions, drop the topic and leave me alone, thanks!

Victoria Moore Need I say more? You're an amazing girl And widely adored I first met you When my shirt was blue In 2012 As I joined Link Crew You're as cute as a button And also funny You're also sweeter Than the purest honey All in all You're a decent chick I hope you take care Stay classy, Vic :)

hahah thankyou!?

Why don't you want I get back together with him what did he do

he didn't do anything, he's a great guy and any girl would be lucky to have him! things just didn't work out for us and we never saw each other, so i'm not saying i don't not want him back, i just think for right now, things are better off if we're just good friends!

Imitate ash edmond

- scratch my back pls
- can u scratch my arm, only for 5 min, i'll set a timer
- come to my locker
- i want a baby deer
- he's so hot
- wanna hangout this weekend
- come over after school
- i don't know
- suck my ass
- i wanna get drunk tonight
- can we drink
- i'm hungry
- do you have chips
- do you have a cloth
- she's so immature
- you still owe me 30$ and i need it soon
- shut up vitoria (spelt my name wrong purposely bc that's how she pronounces it)
- wanna go walk around
ya that's basically ash, plus a bunch more sayings i can't think of right now


Language: English