
victoria moore

Ask @viccmoore

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you're flawless & super nice, i love your style and your lockers across from mine so i see you all the time but we dont talk and that needs to change so text me whenever & plans sooon:) ilu bb:**
Liked by: rach

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People are calling you "ugly" because clearly they aren't happy with the way they look and there just jealous of you :)!

awh thankyouuu!:)
Liked by: Tristan

tbh i saw u at the ring today and yesterday...lol...but i see u around ur real nice and pretty and we should talk more in person(:

rink*;) but ya hahah and thankyouu:) and yeah we shouulld!
Liked by: Jordan

tbh you're so pretty I just can't even and you're a party and a halff;) and you seem really nice and we should talk more and hangout sometime:)

aw thankyouu, all the same to youu:) & yes for suure, text me sometimme!

Hot:) tbh I have meat you one time before from what I can remember but you seem really cool and nice :) we should chill some time

hahah yeaah & thankyouu, you too:) & ya we shouulld!

who are U kidding U need rachel

again with the U's but quite frankly i don't "need" rachel. But here's an idea, stay out of my shit and mind your own buisness, the whole "not being friends" incident happened in like september, has been delt with and is over and done with, so drop it, please.

tbh ur friends with tiana ur pretty and u go to marys to we should talk more txt me 9872557

thankks and okaay!

tbh i always see u around school and we dont talk alot but that should change..ur pretty and nice and we should chill sometime(:

it should so text me wheneverrr but thankyouu:) and ya we shoullld:)
Liked by: Jordan

tbh youre so nice! we dont really talk but when we do youre always super nice! message me sometime :) rate, 10!

aw thankyou, you too:* and okaay will do:)


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