
victoria moore

Ask @viccmoore

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Tbh, Link Crew 2012. You're a very nice girl and you're probably one of the prettiest Grade 11s at our school. You seem very well-liked by all of your friends and you seem very funny. Have a good one.

aw thankyou shane! :)

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HEY KNIGHTS! Tickets sales for Monday's Movie Merry-Thon start tomorrow morning. The movies playing are Frozen, Rise of the Guardians and Home Alone. Come down and get your ticket in front of the aud for $5.00 or your pennies pass to get out of classes on Monday!!!!

yay ^^ but since when are those the 3 movies??
Liked by: Abby Moggy

Tbh you're gorgeous! I feel like all my Tbhs to you are the same and that makes me upset but you're really nice!:) I loved your formal dress!

vanessa reid
haha its okay, its hard to say different things when you don't really know someone but thankyou, you too:) text me sometime! and aw thanks!:)
Liked by: vanessa reid

Tbh: your kind of a huge faggot, loser and the list goes on and on, but I like our sister better than you, get it through your head that your not funny please :) your actually beautiful 24/7, your sort of nice to me I guess? (Ur a bully) and I'm happy we're dating ;)

Ty Poirier
so are you:) and that's okay because i like ethan better than you!! and i disagree because i am funny and aw thankyouuu:) but stfu you're the bully, i'm very nicee! and ihu♥
Liked by: Ty Poirier

HEY KNIGHTS ! Don't forget to bring your 2 dollars tomorrow for the movie day and sucker ! The movie playing is the Santa clause. The tickets will be sold outside the aud from lunch and 3rd block!! All proceeds go to pennies from heaven.

Liked by: Angie Zanatta

Tbh- VIC we meet 2 years ago , I was shy at first and so were you , I remember getting into a big fight with "your posse" , Friday is gonna be fun and see you then , also your very nice and pretty

yeahh but now we're not and hahahahahaha oh god i remember that and thankyou:) but yes friday will be fun, see you then!!
Liked by: Ashley Edmond

Tbh vic your I've known you for a while and your a great friend and we always seem to have fun when we hangout, your also very nice we will chill again soon maybe go for a cruise or something ;)

thankyou, you too!! but yeahh, sounds like plan:)
Liked by: Ashley Edmond

Tbh; you're gorgeous and ever so sweet, you're a lovely girl and i just love it, we still have not made plans though which sucks .-. Rate;10❤

Amber Tiffaniie
Aw thankyou, you too:) iluu❤ but yes I know:( so text me sometime this week!!
Liked by: Amber Tiffaniie


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