
victoria moore

Ask @viccmoore

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yo slut take a second to stop fucking ur boy and answer ur phone !

ew shut up you whore, im not a slut but what boy? hahah and i didnt have my phone with me sowwy:*

Tbh; your like the definition of perfection!:** Your really nice! I see you at school all the time! And we need to talk more!

aw thankyouu:* you are too! and yes we dooo:)
Liked by: Olivia

tbh; you're flawless❤️ you're so funny & you're really nice & you don't deserve any of the hate you're getting from these asshole anons & don't believe it for a second!! you're perfect && iluu:*

awehh omgg you made my night:** i actually love you so much bb<33 we need some plans sooon:)!!

hot af;) &tbh; you're like my favvv everrrr:* we reallllyyy need plans like soon bcuz you're really nicee& you're absalutely flawless so share:( ilu bb& text me sometimee<3

destiny macleod
aw thankyouu, all the same to youu:* and yes plans asapp:) and okay i willll but ilu2 bb:**
Liked by: destiny macleod

Cuz she likes him and doesnt like you? haha your one clueless bitch

im pretty sure her ask says she likes that carter kid but ok and she can tell me this herself like i said before and i dont like him or anything, we're just friends? so i really dont see the problem here? and your the clueless bitch hahah like stfu plz, bye.

hot af , tbhs; you're my best friend and we are together 24/7 hahahahha ya we get annoyed by each other but owell and I can't type bc these fucking nails so ya ilu bye bb

Ashley Edmond
thankyouu:* and hahaha ya pretty much but lawls i had the same problem earlier with the nails;) but ilu2 bb<33
Liked by: Ashley Edmond

tbh ; I don't know if I know you but your really pretty:)!

im not sure either hahah but aw thankyouu, you are tooo:)!

tbhh your my bestfriend<3 &your superr sweet;)&your actually perfect, we just have the best times together and i trust you with everything:)& i cant wait for formal togetherr ahhhhhh;):** yea, love you bb:)

AW ILU BB:* thankyouu and all the same too youu❤️


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