

Ask @xnhgx_1

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What’s a false assumption you see people make far too often?

I can state some:
- Females often assume that touching others, or male friends, is not a problem.. which it is. Hypocrites.
- Parents always assume that their kids have the same mindset as them.. However, very few of them accept the difference when they're aware of it.
-Males, when a female says no.. they assume that she is saying it for the fun, and doesn't actually mean it.. which is obviously wrong; no is a no.
Liked by: mariam alamer
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Do you ever wonder if you are good enough?

Lately, I have often wondered whether I was good enough regarding many things.. Still I couldn't reach a satisfying answer.

“Caring about what others think is pointless. Most people don’t even know what they think of themselves” do you agree?

Yes, strongly.
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Can you say that you are doing the right thing in coming up with the right decisions? Why?

Yes, life is becoming easier.

Are some people destined to be greater than others due to circumstances and opportunities, or is it all totally in our hands?

Circumstances and opportunities play a big part, indeed, but I still think that one has some chance between their hands; the determining factor would be if they're willing or not to make something out of it.
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if you accidentally killed someone, would you turn yourself in ? if not how would you get rid of the body that u can't get caught ?

There's no such a thing as "killing someone by accident."
But no I wouldn't turn myself in, I usually just vent.
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Is there a degree of suffering which makes life objectively not worth living?

I think it depends on the tolerance of the person suffering; the degree of tolerance varies from one to another.
Liked by: Catastrophical Ahmed

What makes you feel really uncomfortable?

- If someone invaded my private space out of nowhere and got so close to me physically.
- When I get complimented
- If i'm being tested
Liked by: Radwa


Language: English