

Ask @yousif1997

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What do'u mean I don't know how to smile? Just pull out one of your sexy poses with a little grin lool and put it as your ask.fm dp and make sure it's CLEAR so I can see you PROPERLY lool you're so gorgeous:*)

Looool can't you see me properly in the dp I have now? Ffs I look like a pedo wen I smile

what happened between you nd halima???

i tried move her but she told me she's in love with my brother lol

Who has the best sense of humor?

sloths, just looking at them makes me laugh for a long time, love sloths <3

hella am back habibi kol khara wilak abook mey7abek

bruv just stop being a sideman and inbox me on fb why u hiding urself

I didn't understand anything from "."?????

just fix it and ill inbox you ffs. the next question i get from you has to have your fb in it or I'm cutting you off

It sounded like you didn't like what I said is something wrong or do you hate conversations on ask.fm? and ok I'll try fixing it now.


Lool what do you mean get my head round this? Tbh I was born a muslim but my dad got married to a Christian so I converted.

fix ur fb asap i aint guna talk here no more

Omg 3 ouch that's deep lol ok let me check out the bullshit that's happening by the way I've known Muslims before and majority of them spoke to me up until they found out I am Christian so is that alright with you &they also claim that boys aren't allowed to talk to girls so I'm just conforming you.

looool don't worry what other people say, no matter who you are, religion or race, if you respect me, ill respect you. && dw talking to girls is normal, but lemme jus get my head round this, did you used to be muslim or where you born a christian?

Well I can talk to you tonight..I'll activate my old one and you can inbox me but what are you going to do sorry? Are you like going to revise for exams or something? If so I will leave you and talk with you tomorrow. And I'd probably use two words and they'd be sexy and slick :D

loooool thanks, and na I'm jus guna be in bed, probably won't be able to sleep till 3 or sumin so activate ur fb and lemme know when you've done it x

LOOOOL You're right but beautiful isn't actually the definition I'd use for you and Ahh why didn't I think of that like 2 hours ago or why didnt you state that before lool I deactivated it my friend is making me a new one and then I'll send you the link for it ;)

what tonight or what? do what you gotta do within 15 mins cause ima hit sheets soon & what would you use then?

Omg :O you're Muslim? & for fuck sake what shall I do? I want to speak to you you're really entertaining you know lool take that as a comment lol I'm going to try for about like seriously the 6th time :( and lool sice you told me youre muslim what does your name mean?

I'm named after prophet yousef, who was known for being really beautiful so my parents gave me the right name :) andddd just give me your fb and ill inbox you?

Really? Ahh ma fb account is shit I should make a new one let me ask someone to do it for me you're worth it ;) and omg it is your third time, how can you not feel it coming out lool by the way what religion are you?

loool please do. & i acc never felt it you know :( I'm muslim& carry on this conversation on faceboooook

Ok I'll add you if I have to LOL and you lost your phone :O whaaaaaaat you're 16 years old lool how? Did someone like steal it or something?

na b it dropped out my pocket, third time thats happened now :( and you never added? ffs

Ahh why do you only have fb? Are you not using a phone LOL but just check how about now?

uhhh ffs lool i lost my phone stop reminding me andddd na i never got an inbox, just add me on fb and things will be much easier


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