

Ask @yousif1997

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I knw obv u'll die weather u smoke or not but....wateva btw ur eyebrows r nice I actually thought u do em' n yh I've met boys who do them n I find it weird... How old r u?


yalllllllaaaaaa jallllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!

L00000000000l Sam u left me creasing ahhh rahmaanul raheeeem l00000l

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Umm lol yea I knw coz the fact that there r like already 5 boys with u on insta doing shisha I knw that ther r many ones that r ur age do it as well but if cigarettes pack have "smoking kills" n ppl do it n dnt give a dam then....btw I also like ur pic where u commented "lol dnt watch the curtains"

Lool you smoke you die, you don't smoke, you still die. And thank youu lol

Loool! I make fake pics n loooooool,how'd u knw I'm a girl,I find it hurtful to knw a boy ur age does shisha I heard its worse than smoking*

Umm babes I think you'll find many many boys my age do shisha, don't be surprised ye

Ur welcome, btw do u really do shisha or r them pics fake;)

Looool how can they be fake, off I do shisha, silly girl...

I think u look gooood in the one where ur belt is around ur neck on insta (I think t was ur belt around ur neck) :s

Lool yea it was, and thank youu :*

Ur pic that uve put on ask.fm made me imagine u soooo much more differently up until I saw u on instagram I was like wow!

Looool yea I know, I have a different look every week :$

How many times have you got head more than 10? be honest no one will judge you

Umm actually, your wrong, EVERYONE will judge me, so I'm not saying :*

If you could invent one thing to make your everyday life easier, what would it be?

I'd invent wings to make me fly bruther

Which celebrity would you like to spend a day with?

Well ain't it obvious, I'd spend all 24 hours with Kim kardashian

Hi I know you don't know me but I've seen you at Hyde Park with your friends a few months back and I really like you but I don't know how to get in contact with you :'[

Lool Holla at my whatsapp if anything 07455182137


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