

Ask @yousif1997

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Yousef the more you answer me whether it's on ask.fm or mail Wallahi you're putting yourself in more trouble and the trouble doesn't include me, n btw next time don't use the word "FUCK" too much it makes you sound speechless.

L000000000000000000000000000000000000000000l , I'm done, did I jus hear 'trouble' naaa I'm seriously done. Holla at EVERYONE YOU KNOW den come to me, we'll see wag1 ak

Looooool yousef you really must think I'm scared of you! And I don't even know what word to use by telling you that will neverrrrrr happen. There's nothing you can do to make me do what you want me to do.

Omg I didn't know its possible for a 12 year old little girl to scare me :0 stfu go fuck back to your playground games you washed little fucking kid your only 12 years of age and you already have a beard bigger than my dads wtf u fukin ugly hairy little girl bruv how small are you, stfu before I dash you in your school bag seeing as you have documents of me and family stacked inside there you scary little creep bruv am I some sort of sideman tryna deal with a little wet girl who knows nothing, haven't you embarrased yourself enough already? Smh everyones been asking whose this hairy afghan stalking your page 24 fucking 7, and I don't know what the fuck to reply cause I don't know who the fuck you are

Don't you have more important things to do than stalk yousefs page? I duno maybe try umm, trimming your 6 inch monobrow? Smh


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Umm and the fact that you're 15 shows you shouldn't be threatening...

The purpose of me threatening you is to warn you that if you don't fuck off ill rape you in your 1cm anus to make you too scared to click on my fm page again

You think I'm a rude girl wtf I'm 12? And LOL keep backing out yousef..it never gets old!

The fact tha your 12 shows you shouldn't be on here.
Liked by: jade kelley

Well if it's been 2 weeks ago why are you being stupid enough by not remembering how you're a liar. And you're proper asking me do you? do you think im scared of you? and yes I do want you to come!

Speak english I duno wtf ur on about. And don't watch, you'll see me wen ur least expecting it. Learn to drop your big mouth attitude rude girl

Hahahaa I can't believe you just asked me that question! But does this bring back memory to you? "Wallahi on my life I'll Come!

You don't want me to come, do you? And wtf how you callin 2 weeks ago a memory :|

Yeah really but tbh I gave you a lot "more" credit for being smarter and less for being a liar but I guess it was opposite.

Huh wtf u on, how am I a liar

Bingo! See you guessed it yourself I never I had to identify myself.

Omg wtf I beg you gtfo of my ask fm ffs are you magnetised to my page

"Tell me more about how you know me so well!!!!!!" so you're admitting you're more than a bitch!

You don't understand sarcasm so you MUST be like 5. 5 year olds should not be on ask fm. Stop bunking nursery ak

Do you really not have a clue who I am?

You might be that 12 year old kid that raped my fm page a couple months ago lool

It's ok I don't want to piss you off yousef, so I'll just keep my identity to myself.

Nooo please identify yourself :(

You sound like even more than a bitch with the last Sentence of that question

Tell me more about how you know me so well!!!!!!!

Looool Why did you just like that question?

You mean why did I like your answer? Because I want people to see what a twat you are. Who are you?

What type of "PERSONALITY" do you like in a girl?

A girl who isn't paranoid all the time, has trust, is patient, always in a mood to smile, likes to chill, emotionally stable, talkative but not too much, cute in everyway, clean and hasn't been touched before, and doesn't chill on my ask fm page 24/7 asking questions 24/7 instead of getting on with life
Liked by: Grace

Sheeeesh sorry m8 but you do know when any one asks you a question like type of girl you like? I think majority of them people would ask about their personality not beauty. And btw you still haven't answered my question.

Alright ill take that into consideration. And what what's your question? Repeat it

You know when I asked that question I was kind of hoping an answer with "the type of personality in a girl you like"? Didn't know boys judged a girl by the looks first ;s

Well then, next time, use the word 'personality' in your question so I know what your talking about


Language: English