

Ask @yousif1997

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Yh u have but I've never tld u I'm a khoei girl cause I've never been proud of it!

If you've truly met me before, describe my appearance

I made ur answers go from 70 to 111 lollll I'm ganna delete ur email n imhopin u do the same n if u dnt ur just ganna keep on gettin MSG's about ur life n I dnt fink ur really ganna be impressed cause this is Internet n anyone can come n see it delet me I'll delete u n I'll stop askin u questions! B

What difference does it make if I delete it or not, it's a fake email lool

U will be negis if u went anywhere near us lolllllll it's more like I'm the one that's ganna be negis if I go nxt to u guys but it's ok I'm ganna leave now n hadi congrats about being a khaloooo for a beautiful Zainab

Haha likkle slags givin brain to boys on the other side, how many cocks have you sucked? And be homest

Ive met u out side khoei idiots wat the hell u honestly fink I speak to u in school lollll n btw I can go on a day or yrs without askin u guys questions but I'm around girls n there nearly pissin on themselves cause of how stupid u r n ur right ive sent u over 70 ques n u still dnt knw who I am


U can't replie 1 MSG without swearing! God help u!

U can't live without asking me a billion questions a day! God help YOU!

Did u have fun on the livest day in ur life m&m's day! lolllll

That was on twitter so don't think ur the only one -_-

Noo I dnt spend my whole life on ur pg.... Raaa

Yes u do certi slag wass ur dad guna say if he finds out u called us 'hot' u slag adtsghfurillah

Its not that I don't know who you are u undercover bitch lool, its that I don't give a FUCK who you are, if ur brave enough tell us if not go do ur homework or suttin, like who gives a shit I cheated in a mock exam, u cheated on ur parents becoming the slag u are, end of convo, roohee boolee o' name

L0000000000l tell da hoeee

U have met me idiot how do u fink I knw sooo much about u den u guys won't believe how much of a fool ur makin out of ur selves I wish I can tell u who I am!!!

No I haven't met u u idiot cuz I've never ever talked to a Khoei girl there all a bunch of slags n ill be negis if I go anywhere near u

Btw yousef wat school did u go to I moved school I'm in the same one as hadi's.oh n hadi ur friend Ahmed needs to get a life yh.... He calls himself a don wat kind of freak does that n I front off a girl SHOWW off

Ffs stop askin questionsssssss please dussd n none of ur business wah skl I go to

HADI IF THIS AIN'T UR PAGE STOP ANSWERIN MY QUESTIONS! U just got cracked cause I gave up something that would make u look like a total fool n I ain't anonymous u guys r just blockheads u do knw who I am but now ur hesitating so I'm ganna calm down on u guys. N u knw wat ur right I dnt have respect!

Loooool about hesitating, I don't know who you are and uve dropped me like 70 questions do us all a favor and duss

I do have a life and I'm sure it's wayyyy more better than urs cause u boys r ruining it and ur only 15 dnt take this in a way of me butting in ur life but everything I say is true init yousef ur 15 u had a gf called Debbie hadi cheated in his arabic as levels n hadi doesn't knw who I am yet "IDIOT"

Do u spend ur whole day on my page? Raaa

Ohhh! U got some feisty friends blad, but ur still a blockhead u honestly think I'm ganna give u my email with my real name wen I dnt want u to knw it! Lol n hadi all I can call u now is CHEATER LOL

Stfu stalker

Ayy yousif I think its a yatt called noor al-hakim probably,apparently she saw us in khoei one time in muharram and she thinks that's called meeting somone looool

L000000000l yes finally

Looool yh I cheated and what it was a mock hahahaha, and ur one of the girls on da girls side and me n yousif haven't met you... Loooool and thanks for the compliment

Loooool were getting there

I beggg off u to show this MSG to hadi I beggg u moosawi or tell him Hadi done his arabic A.S levels in his school which is Al-Sadiq and Al-Zahra schools and he cheated and so did his friend and his teacher at that time was called mrs Asa'ad and then his phone rang Lol I fink hadi will knw who I am?

L0000000000l no way

This is Hadi and all I can say to all u ppl askin questions from the bottom of my heart ' SUCK UR MUMS ' yes all of u, dikeds and girls wiv no lives...

My nigga set pace


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