Ask @Ahmadi7

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للأجر 🕊,

سبحان الله ..💙
الحمدُ لله ..💜
لا إلٰه إلا الله ..❤️
اللهُ أكبر ..💛

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Why are so many people depressed nowadays?

Because smart phones are taking away relationships and a person has no one around him to ease off the hurt & pain he feels from whatever he went through..
Building up emotions inside yourself, leads to depression.
Or his relationship with Allah isn't strong enough..
Because, who needs people when you have Allah by your side? 💙💭👍🏻

الاي طولي😍بس اذا وصلت نفس عمرج باصير اطول منج😂😂

يلااا .. 😍🔥
انا بعد ، بعدل عمودي الفقري حق يرجع طولي ١٧٠ 😂💔


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