

Ask @B0bduh

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What do you think of the Waifu phenomenon, and have you ever had a waifu at any point (or still have one)?

I'm not really sure I'd call it a phenomenon at all? It seems like the vast majority of people talking about "waifus" treat it as a joke, even the ones who make elaborate posts about their waifus. I think most people understand they cannot have a uniquely intimate relationship with a fictional character, even if they're endeared enough to that character to collect a bunch of their merchandise or celebrate their birthday or whatnot. That doesn't seem much more unusual than most other forms of fandom to me.
As for people who /do/ take it seriously, it doesn't seem like a healthy state of affairs - it's basically retreating from the emotional intimacy of the real world into a "safer" world of fiction. It's a more extreme version of why characters like little sisters or uguu~ style Maeda heroines are very popular - these characters are a "safe" target of intimacy, someone who won't reject you and might even need you. I can understand why people who feel they've been rejected by the world might gravitate towards that kind of fantasy, but I think those people need sympathy and help, not indulgence.

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Is it harmful to build a sense of community out of a piece of media, since it has the danger of leading to building a sense of identity out of that piece of media?

That's certainly a real concern, and though I wouldn't discourage people from creating friendships that start from common media interests, I would add one more concern. "We both like the same show" is a much weaker point of agreement than "we share similar values" or "we want the same things out of life" or whatnot. I think a fair number of disagreements online come from people sort of assuming that liking the same things means anything on a personal level beyond, well, liking the same things - but what show a person likes is far less important than who they fundamentally are as a person. Sharing a common media interest is a fine gateway to a friendship, but it is not strong glue, and attempting to cling to it as anything more than what it is can lead to problems down the line.

Why have you never included Aku no Hana in any top lists of yours? Its not even in your top 2013 shows list. Is it because of it being "part 1" or did you change your opinion about it being an "A" show in the end? Have you heard anything about a possibility of second season? Thank you.

It's in the top show addendum:
It's not in the 2013 list because I didn't watch it in 2013.

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Do you think BBB or Euphonium could give Shirobako a run for its money as the best "new" show in seasons?

Not really. Either of them would have to take a big step up to put them on that level for me.
Liked by: Arjuna Chatrathi

With the Love Live movie releasing this summer, it's time to take a stand for something you believe in. Who is best Love Live?

Nozomi is best Love Live. THERE CAN BE NO DEBATE ON THIS.
Alright, this was actually a Patreon question, so I guess I can't get away with a two sentence answer. Nozomi actually is my favorite Love Live, and in response to the obvious "but what about her groping jokes" reply, my answer is "yep, that sure is a stupid anime quirk they assigned to her character." Outside of that, she's exactly the kind of wise, somewhat snarky character I tend to like in ensemble pieces like this. She's essentially "watching Love Live" along with the audience for a great deal of the show.
Love Live's cast is good, though. The characters aren't exactly vast oceans, but they're distinctive and well-balanced. As long as your favorite isn't friggin' Kotori, I could see why you'd particularly like almost any of them.

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Anohana is one of my favorite anime. I personally give it a 10. The characters just seemed very real, and the ending really got me in a way no other anime has. I noticed on your MAL Profile, you gave it a 7... Basically, my question is: does this make me a poor judge of anime?

Not really. Just means we value different things and have different feelings about dramatic affectation. Anohana's a show that's pretty much destined to be polarizing, since it swings as hard and relentlessly as it can for the emotional fences - if it works for you, you'll love it, if it doesn't, you won't.

You can cut the romantic tension between Kumiko and Kousaka with a knife. You said it before "I don't want to believe, but..." I'm rooting for a big payoff at the end, but the 1cour length scares me. I don't think they're going to get very far with the anime.

I'm still holding out that they'll announce it's a split cour for fall sometime soon. The pacing so far really seems like it's intended to be two cour.

The thing about popcorn shows is that they're fun but ultimately forgettable. Do you think JoJo is forgetttable?

I actually remember my favorite popcorn shows very well, so I disagree with your premise.

Euphonium's last episode was a filler. Is that a bad thing?

You mean it was anime-original? I don't think that means the same thing as "filler."
Liked by: KitKatAddiction

How many IRL people know you like some animu?

Basically everyone. Friends, family, coworkers at my other job. I recommended Shirobako to someone I work with, and watch Fate and BBB with one of my housemates. Anime's a pretty significant part of my life, and I don't really try to hide that.

I think you once said that you rate single episodes on ANN in compairson to the whole show, right? I'm not sure. So (just as an example) a B for OreGairu wouldn't be the same for, say, a B for Sword Art Online?

Yep. An episodic B for Oregairu is like a universal A- or something, because Oregairu is an A show. It'd be silly to just rate all the episodes of something like Oregairu As because the show is better than all other high school dramas - Oregairu is competing against its own best self.

Do you think you'll end up writing a piece on Yuri Kuma Arashi at some point?

Maybe, but I wrote a lot about it while it was airing. Kind of burned out on writing about it.

Are Jojo and Fate/Stay what you'd call popcorn shows? I feel like I enjoy them in a similiar manner (though Jojo far more, mostly).

JoJo definitely is. Fate isn't really trying to be (it's not like it has big fights and consistent tension/payoffs every episode), but I'm also basically enjoying it that way.

Do you still like Katanagatari more than Monogatari?

I like them both enough that it doesn't really matter. Katanagatari is more perfect, Monogatari has more individual great moments.

How good are you at drawing?

Bad. I took a drawing class for a year in college, but that's the extent of my experience.

Have you listened to any Of Monsters and Men?

Yep. I've only listened to their big breakout album, but I enjoyed that one.

Not trolling here, genuine question. I've heard about the Fate series from lots of people but never got into it, and given and the hell you've been through I'm more apprehensive than ever about starting it. Is Zero worth watching? (I ask as a fan of Urobuchi)

Yeah, Zero's pretty solid. I found the first half kinda weak, but it really pulls together in the second, and it definitely feels like an Urobuchi show overall. I'm finding UBW a lot less strong, and one of the things I most like about UBW is the context Zero gives it, so I'd recommend starting with Zero.

Monogatari guy from before. When you say you really "get" Isin's writing, do you mean in the sense that some of the more "questionable" content is just reflective of his voice as a writer, and that you're able to parse it well enough that it doesn't hinder your holistic enjoyment of the series?

Nah, this isn't really related to the skeevy stuff. It's more that the ways he frames characterization, perspective, and dialogue tend to really naturally align with both what I prioritize in stories and how I view people. The conversations feel rich to me in a way that I never feel I have to dig for - they're layered in ways that make them feel like he's "speaking my language" of subtext and theme versus character versus surface banter.
Liked by: Eelz DIGITAL@MUGI

You jumped in at season three of the sequel!? Living life on the edge has its limits, you know

Nah, it's just that one of my housemates was watching it, and that's where he happened to be. So I stuck around for a season.
Liked by: Nasch Yamamoto

How do you balance enjoying the Monogatari series with a lot of its less than tasteful fanservice at times? I love a lot of Isin's writing and Shinbo's directing, but can't find myself agreeing with the flashier shots of some characters' bodies and feel it's a hurdle when trying to discuss the show.

Most shows have good and bad elements. Monogatari is particularly polarized, but that doesn't make it terribly hard for me to watch. I actually feel more comfortable watching Monogatari than almost any other show - I feel like I "get" Isin's storytelling/characterization and Monogatari's overall style to a point where watching his stuff is like having a conversation with an old and occasionally creepy friend.

Are Avatar and Korra somewhere in the backlog?

I actually watched, er, season three of Korra, or something. People say the original's a lot better, but it'd be competing with a whole lot of other shows.

What's a good course of action for when you're having a discussion with someone about media and they ask you about several works that you weren't really fond of? Generally I just say something along the lines of "I personally wasn't fond of that work, but don't let me stop you from enjoying it if yo

I generally just reply with "eh, I wasn't a fan," and only go into specifics if I'm prodded further. But things can normally end there without going really negative pretty easily.


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