

Ask @B0bduh

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Would you consider Hajime from Gatchaman Crowds a manic pixie dream girl or a mary sue?

Hajime was intentionally designed to be a perfect person. I'm not sure where you'd fit that into either of those categories, but she goes wherever "perfect person" is supposed to be.

How do you square supporting progressive beliefs with liking problematic media?

By acknowledging we're all quirky people with interests and preferences that don't automatically align with our highest conscience values.

what were you like after graduating college?

More snarky and arrogant than I am now. Probably a bit more of a jerk in general. Less confident in my own writing voice, and probably more generally insecure about my identity. More naive about a variety of things.

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I just had a painful back-and-forth with someone on Reddit that went on about how "SJW's and Marxism is basically the same...just that 'cis white male' is 'capitalist' ". As a person who's actually studied Economics, just, just...how uninformed can someone get... :(

Internet people basically invent their own bogeymen. People fight who they want to believe they're fighting.

Do you think Chazawa's presence in Shirobako helped or hurt the show? (I'm going through a rewatch and can't help but feel him to be one-dimensional and unredeemed)

He /is/ one-dimensional and unredeemed. Not every character will have an entire arc - sometimes you just work with assholes. I'm sure Chazawa has other elements to his life, but in the context of these characters, all that really matters is he's an inconsiderate asshole when it comes to his job.

What do you look forward to most this year?

Finding another job so I'm not so friggin' anxious all the time.

Is it possible to watch After Story without first watching Clannad?

Not really, unfortunately. It builds on the characters/relationships of the first season.
I kinda wish someone would construct an abridged Clannad the way people did for the Star Wars prequels.
Liked by: Christos Anastos

I've really been enjoying the Nagato faces you've been posting. Is there anything else that is of note in the show, or should I just not watch it? (aka would you recommend it?)

If you like really, completely, absurdly harmless slice of life fluff like Acchi Kocchi, then yes. Otherwise, no.

A meeting of critics shouting what would be the best way to evaluate basicly anything /would/ be hilarious. Sorry for posing such a loaded question though. At least the result was funny :D

Don't worry about it! If you think your question was loaded, you should see some of the others I get on here - there's a good number that are basically just "don't you think your opinion on ____ is terrible and should be replaced by my opinion, which I will now detail at length."
Liked by: Arjuna Chatrathi

Do you think Clinton has any serious competition in either the primary or general election? Even though I think it's time the US cut back fiscally (I'm a liberal) I'd rather had a money-spending country with more social tolerance than a frugal one one without.

It doesn't seem like she does. Though honestly, I think conservatives should be happy about this election either way - aside from a few social issues, the platforms of both parties basically sit within boilerplate conservative thought at this point. Clinton won't try to dismantle the half-steps Obama took towards a modern health care system, but both parties will keep the ball firmly in the "capitalism has constructed an oppressive class society and this is fine" court.

what makes Dark Souls good?

Really tight core design, fantastic atmosphere and worldbuilding, an alternating sense of fear and tremendous accomplishment.

Has there ever been a piece of fiction that you've read/watched that was so esoteric and peculiar that to this day you still don't know what to make of it?

Not really. I felt that way about Mind Game back when I watched it, but that was a decade ago. Now I think I'd just find it kind of frustratingly indulgent.

What do you think of ME!ME!ME!

I've answered this one a lot, but the cliffnotes answer is "meh."

I haven't seen the show yet, but I'm curious as to what made the direction in WA2 particularly bad that it actually hurt your experience of the show. Was it just overly bland/visually uninteresting, or did it in some way tonally undermine the writing or something like that?

It wasn't some huge weakness - I mainly just thought some scenes lacked emotional impact because they weren't framed as effectively as they could have been. It's not an uncommon problem, but WA2 was strong enough in other areas that that stood out to me.

I'm in the middle of F/SN season one, but my attention's waning. Is it worth catching up to?

I'm not really enjoying it that much at the moment. There are some fun fights in the middle of season one, but if you're not enjoying it then, I wouldn't say it improves.

You play/played league?

Yep. Played it a few hours a night for close to two years, I think. I haven't played in a long time, though.

What was your public icon before Speedwagon?

navycherub’s Profile PhotoDavid
Didn't have one. Pretty sure Speedwagon was my first twitter avatar.

Do you have any expectations for Sentai's release of Shirobako?

I'm trying to keep them as low as possible.


Language: English