

Ask @B0bduh

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It can be helped, though - you should have paid more attention when watching the show! You missed basic visual cues and are spreading misinformation on a site as big as ANN. The anti-TM folk that take quotes out of context and post screencaps of bad translations out of context are just as bad.

Don't watch Fate, people. It isn't worth it. Learn from my mistakes.

What are the other obsessive anime fans? I know DBZ is one. I think Naruto is another one.

I mean, all the big shounens have fans who will fight for them to the death, because all the big shounens have fans who are very young. You can see these people every day in my top shows comments. When you crank up the age dial a bit, the defensive fandoms start shifting to things like Fate or Mahouka.

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Rothfuss has great prose but can't spin character or drama worth a damn. I know that 'Pick a few aspects of writing that the author is good at and discard the rest' is the eternal trap of reading genre fiction but in his case it felt particularly disappointing.

Oh yeah, there are huge problems in Rothfuss's work. Particularly Wise Man's Fear, which was just a structural mess and only highlighted the character-writing problems of the first book.

So would you say that GoT dialogue is definitely not a good example of 'archaic dialogue'?

GoT just kinda has standard serial drama dialogue with a little bit of old-timey vocab and phrasing thrown in. It's solid, and sometimes very witty, but not really the kind of writing I was thinking about.
Liked by: Derp Jeep Eelz

What are some good examples of that "archaic" dialogue in anime? (Holo in Spice & Wolf, maybe? Although her dialogue always came off a little stifled to me, especially in the dub.)

I honestly can't think of an anime that does it well offhand. It requires a real gift for language, and thus getting it through a work in translation is pretty tough. The only examples that came to mind for me were classic lit and maybe some of the more prose-gifted fantasy writers (like Rothfuss).

Bobduh, with all the crazy type moon fan nonsense, has there ever been a moment where you questioned the audience you critique for? Maybe wished you were a critic for a different medium (like fashion photography or art history)

Occasionally, but certainly not because of this. I've known for a long time that Type Moon has probably the most obsessive fandom within the anime community.

“impressive - I should have taken your head seven times, but it remains attached”; when you say it's "intensely chuunibyou" is it more because of the phrasing or more the idea that they resisted some kind of decapitation super-attack?

Phrasing. Although if he actually has some kind of decapitation super-attack, then yes, also that.

Rin and Shirou are actually describing their own personalities with the bounded fields (this bit of worldbuilding was more important in the VN when Caster breaks into Shirou's home but Ufotable changed that), and there's a nice bit of visual storytelling with Shirou sitting the same way Archer does.

Just letting you know, I'm not gonna answer any of these non-questions, and I'm actually planning on watching the rest of the Fate series when it comes out, so if you could take this spoilerific world-explanation rant elsewhere, I would appreciate it.

Your thoughts on UBW are reasonable at least from what I've read, though you're still a bit obnoxious about it (like those gif replies to questions). TM fans / are / going to be mad, but mainly because you're downright wrong about some things (like characters retreating and rules being broken).

The gifs are part of the package, I'm afraid. You come around here with angry fan rants, you're gonna get the gifs.
As for the "wrong about retreating" or whatnot, there's a disconnect there that kind of gets at one of the core pieces of the whole Fate "thing." It doesn't matter if there's an in-universe explanation for why a villain appeared, demonstrated their powers in a brief sweet fight, and then vanished without affecting the plot in any major way. An "explanation" for that does not /justify/ that - it's graceless writing either way, it's just that adding an in-universe explanation applies a band-aid to the problem. But Fate is all /about/ stuff like in-universe explanations, and so narrative problems of a more fundamental nature do not come across that way to a lot of lovers of the series.

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if you had to watch either Guilty Crown or Cross Ange, which would you choose and why would you hate yourself forever?

Guilty Crown sounds more boring than Cross Ange, so maybe Cross Ange? But Guilty Crown at least has high-quality production, so...
I dunno. Neither of them sound like ways I'd actually want to spend my time.

Bob, any ideas on when that kind of dialogue might have ever been reasonable?

Verum Venari
Er... never, really? It's going for "chivalrous and archaic" or whatnot, but it's just not very well composed, and so it comes off as what it is - intensely chuunibyou. Florid dialogue can definitely work, but you have to be pretty good to pull it off, and context is also important.

How much of a Star Wars Dan are you?

The original trilogy is a lot of fun. The new trilogy is really bad. Rogue Squadron was a really good game. That's about the extent of it.
Liked by: Jake Shiraki

What do you think of the criticism that Tarantino movies vastly oversimplify the politics of the time periods they are based on?

That that seems like a weirdly arbitrary complaint to level at Tarantino movies specifically, I guess?
Liked by: Rose Bridges

The red slippers could also refer to the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale "The Red Shoes", wouldn't you agree? It'd certainly fit in with the shows themes.

That story is terrifying! Just looked it up. That seems like less of a direct reference, though.

Do you have any strong feelings on the metric system (i.e. meters, kilograms) vs the imperial system (inch/foot/mile, pounds)? I prefer the former because unit-conversions aren't incredibly stupid and basically everyone but America uses it, but you prolly don't have to deal with it as much as me.

Don't really have any feelings on it at all. Metric system seems to make infinitely more sense, but I'm not really invested in the disagreement.

how do like good news for people who like bad news?

An album with a solid number of good songs, but a huge step down from their prior material. It kinda seems like they lost their spark after peaking with Moon and Antarctica.

favorite modest mouse album?

Tough question. Either The Moon and Antarctica or This is a Long Drive for Someone with Nothing to Think About. I think Moon and Antarctica is probably their masterpiece, but I'm more personally attached to Long Drive, and Make Everyone Happy/Mechanical Birds is my favorite of their songs. I think that song perfectly represents the central theme of their first two albums - a tired ballad of the open West slowly being consumed by the shrill sounds of commercialization.

Why do non presidential democratic canadits seem to be incapable of getting themselves elected

The two thoughts that come to mind are malicious redistricting and the fact that old white people are generally over-represented in off election years.


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