

Ask @B0bduh

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Why don't you love GitS? Too 'cold' for you?

Scifi crime stuff isn't really my thing, unless it's full of ideas I find interesting like Psycho-Pass.

I think the one thing that surprises me is you've never made the jump to video. Just not a fan? Not your forte? You can write a mean script but I know there is a TON of work that goes into making a video. I'm big into web marketing but I love creating things. Just curious on your stance

Just not a fan. I think I'd be fine with it as far as appearing on camera and talking is concerned, but I don't really watch any video criticism, and prefer writing. I'd also have to learn the whole process, and clearly it's a whole new skillset.
Maybe I'll reconsider it after I start off with some streaming and we see how that goes.

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Yea different anon than that other guy. I feel that a lot of people don't get what they deserve but there a lot of people who miss out on a lot of information now a days. Been making it my goal to help educate people in making their passions into payments like you have. (cont I guess!)

Second half: It's really difficult to masterfully market your content and get out to your audience. I think you've managed to create a following on content alone(Kudos!). I have really considered in trying my hand at content creation. Even if I disagree with some of your views I believe you do fantastic work.
Thank you! I work really hard at what I do, and I also think I've gotten lucky at times, and even where I am, my creative work is a small supplement to my less glamorous day job. I don't want to discourage people from doing what they love, I just want them to think somewhat realistically about what exactly they want/expect out of their passions, so they don't set themselves up for disappointment. I think everyone probably has to learn a lot of lessons the hard way for them to really tangibly feel those truths, but I'd like to soften some of those lessons if possible!

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There are still a ton of problems with society but the internet has unlocked tons of lanes for people to succeed. I'm not trying to partake in that is life fair conversation you're having. As someone who "made it" via internet I just want people to keep that mindset that there is a lot of chances!

Oh, I definitely agree with that - the internet has given all sorts of people many opportunities they'd never have had before. I'd just strongly discourage assuming that life actually "rewards people according to what they've earned," because not only is that not true, but that way leads to really awful general beliefs.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

If X is born into a richer family than Y, then yes, X is luckier than Y, because he'll have better access to education. But doesn't that also mean that X has a better chance of developing better skills (=more merit)? Hence, having a better chance to get a better-paying job?

Here's the second part of this question: "In other words, what you're describing doesn't undermine 'meritocracy' itself, as people who lucked out also develop the more merit; but rather is a criticism of the lack of opportunity to develop merit for the poor/oppressed. Taking that into account, what are other criticisms of meritocracy?"
So, leaving aside the fact that we've decided to "take into account" the reality that completely defines modern society and the lives of almost everyone within it, other reasons meritocracy is a fantasy would include systemic racism/sexism, the fact that "people are rewarded according to merit" in terms of modern society only applies to a small subset of professions (generally in finance and tech), while ignoring critical ones like teaching or social work, the fact that both our education and work systems reward specific, arbitrary types of learners/workers/communicators at the expense of others, and the simple fact that plenty of opportunity (and the tragedy that often prevents it, for that matter) is completely arbitrary and luck-based even outside of your initial circumstances.
Success in modern society generally does require great effort, but it is not awarded based on merit. You'd have to control for so many variables to create a meritocratic situation that life would essentially look like a videogame, and even then, success in a videogame is generally based in your comfort level with a couple of specific, arbitrary skills, not "general merit." Life is not a meritocracy.

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Why not?

Because it isn't? There's no inherent fairness in the world - people are born rich or poor, into powerful countries or poverty-stricken ones, into ruling classes or persecuted minorities, and structural unfairness follows us all throughout our lives. The world is many things, but "meritocratic" is not one of them.

Sorry to ask again about FMA, but you mean the 2003 one or Brotherhood? I'm guessing the first, but the other is closer to the original script due to waiting until it was almost done to start production.


What are your top 5 Bluray releases?

These aren't even all blurays, but my favorite release items that I own are my Utena set, Katanagatari set, Eccentric Family set, really old Eva set, and... I dunno, I guess the Monogataris? They're all really nice collections.

Do you think the American system will naturally change for the better, or that it will only change after it fails in some major way?

A while back I probably would have thought it would naturally change for the better, but after seeing how even young, ostensibly educated people essentially spontaneously create the kind of bigotry and ignorance I associated with old, dying attitudes, I'm guessing it'll take some major failure. Even Obama's election required the "free market ideal" to fail so spectacularly that it was impossible to ignore, and the public's political memory only goes back about six months or so, so we haven't permanently changed for the better since then. America's changing demographics mean progressive candidates will have a serious edge in elections that haven't been gerrymandered beyond the point of actual competition, but eventually conservatives will find a way to appeal to people's fears again and the new boss will become the old boss.
Sorry this all sounds so negative, but this is why I stopped closely following politics in the first place. I'd say the best case scenario is the earth is conquered by a species that actually possesses humane values, and they force us to do better.

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Who's your favorite character in Shirobako?

Probably just Aoi. She's a really great protagonist for this kind of show. I also really like Yano, Ema, and Zuka. Ema and Zuka are the ones I most relate to, which is maybe not the most cheery thing to admit.

Is Shirobako going to end up in your Top 30? If so, how high would you put it right now?

Yes and I dunno. As I've said before, I don't really sweat the ordering that much.
Liked by: Adam Martinez

http://i.imgur.com/j5UXW5Q.jpg Do you believe this is BS? Why?

Yep! The economic-related stuff is essentially a contradiction, as it's always been for people who tout belief in "advancement by individual ability" and the freedom of the market as actual guidelines. A free market is both sociopathic and not even slightly inclined to best reward "most effort" or "greatest ability" - we exist in a society with tons of arbitrary hurdles for specific groups of people, and a lack of regulation or accounting for societal inequalities only enforces existing power structures. I also find the idea that a totally free economy is the "fiscally responsible" choice pretty laughable - free markets lead to insane inequality and ultimate self-destruction through corporate nearsightedness, as we're trending towards right now. It's also kinda funny to think someone could try and embrace the "tolerance" element of left-leaning politics while denying the structural issues non-privileged groups face, which strikes at the heart of the fundamental libertarian myopia.

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If you'll indulge my silly question, do you think Gon Freecss is a libertarian?

Don't think so. The dude hugs too many trees, and goes back to help too many friends. He definitely obsesses over his /own/ strength (his inward focus in the show's later half is kind of his Fatal Flaw), but that's about as far as his fetishizing of the individual goes. The friendship theme running in most shounens generally makes them kind of inherently "we're all in this together."

How much has Death Parade defied your expectations?

I expected it to be a trashy, pretty shallow "THE DARKNESS OF MANKIND" deal, like Death Note. It's turned out to be way more sensitive than that, along with really strong direction-wise and possessing a good sense of fun. It has far exceeded my expectations.

I just finished Death Parade 8 and I need your thoughts on it. Plz bobd0h lend me some wisdom

Week in Review's coming out on Wednesday, as usual. I've got mega-sized blurbs on that episode, Shirobako, and Maria.

I've fallen behind on pretty much every airing show (except JoJo for some reason). Which ones are most worth catching up to?

Shirobako, Death Parade, Yurikuma, Maria the Virgin Witch.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

I introduced my friend to Jojo and she absolutely loves it. But the other day she asked me, "do these guys have the ability to slow down time by talking or something?" I didn't know what to say. What's your answer?

Battle-conversations in over-the-top action shows are basically always like the last five seconds of a bomb timer - those aren't real seconds, those are imaginary dramatic tension seconds. There's ALWAYS time for a dramatic speech or explanation.

Is there any piece of art or event that inspired you to write, like how Aoi was inspired by the blizzard in Andes Chucky?

Not initially - I was just given a creative writing assignment back in middle school and kind of never stopped writing after that. But there'll be times when I read/watch something and think, "I wanna create something that makes me feel /that!/"

I just found out you could view asks by number of likes, and found a question I asked many months ago. I was pretty bitter at your answer then, but seeing it now I fully agree with it. I'm not sure whether you made me a better person or if I'm just impersonating your views, but thanks all the same!

You're welcome! I hope it's the first one, haha.


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