

Ask @B0bduh

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Why do you follow so few on Twitter?

I feel like I follow a lot of people! I like recognizing basically everyone on my feed as someone I vaguely know and could have a conversation with, but I've got a decent number of circles and my feed moves pretty fast. I could probably use some more smart politics/culture figures , though - I need more people like Ta-Nehisi Coates.
I often hear stuff from people I follow that actually makes me feel pretty happy with my feed-management. Apparently there are a lot of consistently negative or GG-affiliated anitwitterers out there, and I don't see any of that junk.

Everybody asks you about Parasyte like you are practically done and tired of the show. If that's the case and how you feel, why don't you show it in the reviews you do? It's a little odd to see such a change of thoughts from one site (ANN) to another.

Because my ANN reviews are comparing Parasyte to Parasyte. If I were to review the entirety of Parasyte, it'd probably be a vague B-ish show that I felt initially excited for but lost its momentum over time, and has fortunately recovered somewhat in recent weeks. An "A" episode of Parasyte is an episode that demonstrates the series at its strongest, which is at this point somewhere around a "B+" on a universal scale.
Look, ratings are kinda dumb.

If you didn't have to review it, would you have dropped Parasyte by now?

Probably not. I'm feeling kind of pot-committed, and I want to see how it ends.

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See, Nick in Gone Girl didn't come off as shitty to me as I expected from the reviews (or what I heard of the book, where he's apparently a huge misogynist). What do you mean by his "whole other kind of clear shittiness" and how/where did that come across?

Rose Bridges
Amy's story isn't all lies, right? At least half the things she accuses Nick of are actually true - he did completely lean on her support, he did resent and avoid her presence in his life, he did cheat on her (and continue to do so even after she went missing), and he did initially court her with what amounted to a script. Beyond that stuff, one scene in particular that stood out to me was the one where his lawyer is trying to train him to not appear like an asshole on camera. That scene felt like a perfect combination of Nick personally not understanding his own failings and the larger meta-point of guys like Nick never having to apologize for their callousness or self-obsession or whatnot, because that's a socially accepted thing for a man to be. It's only once Nick is forced to cast himself in the role of "repentant, loving husband" for the desired media narrative that his base personality problems actually cause difficulties for him. One of my favorite things about the movie was how it kind of highlighted ugly base assumptions society impresses on both genders by forcing them through a series of arbitrary media transformations, which is contrasted against the two real people underneath those assumptions/narratives, who have throughout their lives already been somewhat shaped by what society expects or allows from people.
Sorry, that got kinda rambly. There's a lot of levels of untruth going on in Gone Girl.

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Did you watch the two concurrent OVA episodes of Shiki? If so what did you think? I just finished the whole thing, and I was blown away. Amazing show.

I thought they were interesting vignettes that kind of spelled out the "we've become the monsters" thing and tied up some loose ends, but I was happy I watched them after the main series and not during. I think the important stuff they say is already there in the show, and slotting them in would hurt the focus/pacing.
Liked by: Derp Jeep

Try to watch Date A live, I would love to see a critic from you of this anime!

I don't think that one's in the cards.

Do you intend to read the Aku No Hana manga? I'd Love to hear your thoughts on the rest of the series.

Definitely. I actually picked a bunch of it up back in December, I just haven't gotten around to reading it yet.

ever traveled outside of the U.S.?

Yep. Stayed with a family in Costa Rica in high school, been to Mexico once with college friends, Canada a few times, and traveled Europe a bit with my family. I'd like to travel more, but my natural inclination is to hole up in my apartment, and travel is expensive anyway.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

"I did mediocrely in soccer, until the C team I was dithering on mutinied and refused to play." This sounds interesting! Is there a story here?

Not much more than was already in the post. I was on a team that was really bad, players kept dropping out throughout the season, and then at a practice near the end of the year, after a few more players said they were dropping out, the coach asked for a show of hands on who wanted to play the final games, and the only hand that went up was the guy who couldn't really speak English and thus didn't necessarily know what was going on.

What did you think of Gone Girl and its feminism/lack thereof? It seems to be back in the Anitwitter clique's consciousness again.

I really enjoyed it. I thought it actually had a really smart and kinda next-level approach to gender politics while also working as a strictly enjoyable thriller. I can see why people would say it "fulfills MRA stereotypes," but female characters should be allowed to be dangerous people, and both Amy's manipulation of the narrative and Nick's whole other kind of clear shittiness make for compelling skewerings of gender-based allowances and expectations. There's a fair amount to unpack in how the movie twists sympathies throughout, and how that reflects off the movie's clear obsession with the kind of people the public narrative allows humans to be.
Liked by: Tiiger Rose Bridges

What's your favourite Bruce Springsteen song/album?

Never really got into Bruce Springsteen, but I think my favorite song of his is Atlantic City.

Hi Bob, really liked today's essay. Is there any chance of us getting more personal essays like this in the future?

If I think of good topics for them, definitely!

So I just checked out Reinventing Axl Rose by Against Me! I usually don't like the punky, yelling style of music but that album has this unrefined desperation that I found moving. I'd say it comes through best in Baby, I'm an Anarchist. Do you like their other albums? What's your favorite track?

I agree, there's a real exhaustion and desperation to that album's sound that really gets to me. Baby, I'm an Anarchist is great, but I think We Laugh At Danger might be my favorite track.
I like almost all of Against Me!'s records, though their sound shifts somewhat throughout their career - New Wave and White Crosses are much more refined and produced, for example. Their newest album, Transgender Dysphoria Blues, is a lot more loosely produced, and recaptures some of that early roughness. I also really like Searching For a Former Clarity, and that album's title track in particular. Some of the lines in that song kill me.

Nvm nvm, I just looked at the site again, no $10 is not the max, just the highest reward I guess

Yep. I decide against including a "you can buy an episode writeup" tier, since that would have to be like $70 or something, but if you have any other ideas for rewards, feel free to throw them out! You can also go with multiple questions if you'd like.
Liked by: Derp Jeep

So looking through your Patreon, does this mean you won't be livestreaming after all? Because I was looking forward to that :(

No, I hopefully will be, I'm just not setting a specific hurdle to jump for it. I just need to set up the software and accounts and whatnot.

Any chance of you watching Wandering Son/Hourou Musuko in the near future? =D

Yeah, it's both on the shortlist and a show I'm actively looking forward to. I'll hopefully get to it soon.

About your book, how will you send it if I donate $5? I'm asking because I live in Australia.

Once I've figured out Patreon's system of cataloging donors, I'll likely just email the first books to people who have contributed - I have them in both ePub and mobi format, for Nook, Kindle, or just one of the free desktop applications for reading ebooks. I assume (hope) Patreon has a system for automating rewards like that in the future, but I haven't been able to test that yet.

How far down is Paranoia Agent on your backlog?

It's a universal acclaim show, so it's on the shortlist, but I tried the first few episodes and didn't feel grabbed by it at all a while back, so it's not near the top.
Liked by: Jake Shiraki

Hey, I don't know if this will actually relieve any of your Patreon woes, but I really couldn't care less about your rewards. I'm gonna donate because I like the multitude of things you /already/ do and would like you to have more time to do them.

Thank you! Yeah, I think I'm just gonna knock off the stupid bribery rewards and post the thing as simply as possible. If you read my stuff, you know what I'd work on if I had more time to work on it.

Are you a moiduwuh?

Man I would be terrible at murdering. I think my twitter feed could back me up on me being completely incapable of getting away with murder.

Which aspects do you think Yatterman needs to improve on?

Uh, if it keeps pace with that last episode, the answer is "nothing." That episode was ridiculous. My one major complaint would be that the show deciding to hew so closely to a classic episodic formula is preventing it from being as powerful and tightly constructed as it could be - my ideal Yatterman would maintain the narrative crispness of the first episode while still maintaining the show's farce/tragedy dichotomy. But if it can keep throwing out episodes like that last one, it'll turn out pretty damn great either way.


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