

Ask @B0bduh

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Wold you agree that saying that all "cute anime girls" shows are targeted towards adult male otaku is about as accurate as saying My Little Pony only targets bronies?

Not in the slightest. My Little Pony is like 99.9% targeted at little girls, most cute anime girl shows actually are largely targeted towards adult male otaku.

How often do you drop anime because I never drop anime (unless it's Sonic)

I drop about 20-25 shows a season :/

You're on the play running RUG Delver and spent your first turn fetching/Pondering. Your opponent fetches a Bayou and plays Deathrite Shaman. You draw a Force of Will and have Misty, Goyf, Bolt, Stifle, and two Brainstorms in your hand. What's your line?

What happened with the Ponder? Do I know my two top cards? Since I don't have that information, I'll assume I shuffled.
I'll probably just hold out for more information. I'd like to not waste the Brainstorms, so depending on their play, I'll likely Storm in response to whatever they do, crack the Misty once it resolves, and use my Bolt accordingly. I don't know the Legacy meta/decks nearly well enough to do much more than play off the board - I've only drafted for years.
Actually, mana denial seems pretty strong given my hand. Given I don't know the meta/decks well enough to likely make correct plays over a long game, I might just Bolt the Shaman and hopefully Stifle their next land drop. That'll also put the followup Goyf out of Bolt range. Delver's a tempo deck anyway, right?

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Jeez, why are people getting mad over your Valvrave criticism? I've never met anyone who didn't think that show was a train wreck, including the people who liked it.

People are getting mad? I just got that one ask, and I figure one "BUT YOU SAID -OTHER OPINION-, HOW CAN YOU SAY -THIS OPINION-" was the minimum cost of expressing any opinion at all.

Why does TVTropes obsess over certain anime even more than the general fan community? Like Haruhi was a pretty big deal everywhere, but remember when every TVTropes page was full of Higurashi/Umineko and Negima? What's the special appeal of those shows to TVTropes?

TVTropes obsesses over allegedly interchangeable show fragments at the expense of the big picture. Shows with lots of fragments, especially heavy genre pieces, thrive there. The more databasey a show is, the more it can be turned into fuel for how that kind of fan likes to spend time.

Have you read any Kafka?

Yeah, a bunch of his short fiction. He's good, but the atmosphere of his work is incredibly oppressive, so I'm not really tempted to read more.

I dropped Shirobako not because it was a bad show, but because I just wasn't feeling the slight sort of depressing and hectic tone that lingered over the show the whole time, I keep feeling like I should watch it so does the suffering ever end or does it get a little more positive at any time?

Nah, it maintains that tone. I'm sad to say, that depressing/hectic feeling is essentially just "adulthood," and Shirobako is really good at conveying it.

So, in my corner of Facebook there's some real wacky Fate/ fanboys who call anyone who watches Fate/Zero or any Fate/ adaptation before reading the original VN a "secondary" and attacks them for not being a "real fan" of Fate/. Would you say that's more awful than the Fate/ fanboys you get here?

I mean, they're all just crazy fans living in personal fandom realities. That sounds pretty ridiculous, though.

Turn 1 I fetch a green source and cast Noble Hierarch. You have a Lightning Bolt in hand. Knowing nothing else about what deck I'm on, do you Bolt it or hold off?

Obviously this situation is dependent on what the meta puts you on, my own deck, and what else is in my hand, but I think given just that information, I Bolt.

They also mention the military draft sometimes... even though there's no fucking way they would ever get drafted in this day and age. Unless aliens or something invaded, of course.

Yeah, stuff like that. Which are such crazy corner cases in light of society's obvious inequalities that they comes off as a smokescreen as obvious as... well, ethics in game journalism.

Feminists limit the description of sexism against men to "toxic masculinity" and societal expectations of men based on stereotypes, and ignore actual legal inequalities they suffer. :/ That's why I disagree with you. That doesn't make me a misogynist.

If your reaction to "feminism is a movement designed to address the historic, systemic, and cultural sexism in modern society" is "yeah, but men also have problems"... I mean, what is there to say to that? Okay? Even if we put aside the strawmanning generalization of "what feminists in general care about/ignore", it just comes across as finding any social change that isn't about you overtly and specifically to be a problem. That's pretty messed up!

What matters is why things feature cute girls. But most things have camera angles or other telltale signs that give those less than noble reasons away pretty easily, don't you think? I mean there are exceptions- Gunslinger Girl comes to mind.

Oh yeah, the intentions of the shot framing is clear as day in a lot of these shows.

Do you think people misinterpret your views on certain shows because you are not overly negative? Why is writing positively about liking something harder than the other way around? How do you feel about writing about shows in a negative light in general? For yourself? For an audience?

Hey, people misinterpret my views in the /other/ direction, too - I actually kind of love Rebellion, and people hissed and spat at my criticism of it. It's true that some people seem to think it's weird to have a positive attitude or focus on the good elements of a mixed show, but I mean, I pretty frequently say "you get a lot more out of media if you engage with it on its terms and give shows chances," so...
As far as negativity in criticism goes overall, I don't generally find it that compelling or illuminating. I'll snark about shows I find dumb, but if someone's consistently negative in their criticism, my brain will eventually start auto-translating their comments into "person who is negative about shows is negative about show." Criticism is basically about seeing how some given person's personality and artistic priorities interact with media, and I'd rather see what inspires people than what they just don't have any interest in.
When I "perform negativity," like with the old SAO pieces, I like to at least think I'm doing it in the spirit of stuff like MST3K - those guys actually have a legitimate fondness for the stuff they riff on. I have more trouble just straight-up reviewing things I think are bad, since I don't generally find things bad in ways that make for interesting/personally rewarding conversations. Thus my Kill la Kill essay being more a discussion on grounded conflict, for instance.

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Best song on All Eternals Deck? I'm a fan of Estate Sale Sign.

I think "Never Quite Free" is my favorite. Estate Sale Sign is great, though.

Okay so, why is Valvrave "dumb" and Code Geass is genius popcorn? Aren't they essentially the same thing?

Because Valvrave has absolutely zero internal consistency, much less coherent plotting, and few ideas it didn't just directly transpose from Geass anyway. Valvrave gives me the impression it's actively trying to look dumb at all times - none of its twists are "oh, clever trick using the characters/rules of this world," they're all "wow, that's incredibly dumb and doesn't make sense even within the context of this show."
And I mean, it's not like Geass was a great intelligent work in the first place. But it's certainly better constructed than Valvrave, at least in the first season.

I think one can enjoy 'cute girls' shows while recognising that many /are/ meant for otaku, though? They shouldn't be dismissed as bad shows out of hand, but if merchandising and marketing make it clear that creepy otaku are the target market, can't that colour the lens through which one views them?

I mean, adult otaku are at least part of the market for almost everything. Virtually every show has dakimakuras and fanservicey promo art, for example. Anime is often just a promotion for secondary or source materials, which is definitely something to keep in mind when thinking about a show's formation process, but not really something you can "blame" the show for. Gendo selling shaving cream does not make Gendo the in-show character worse.

Any games you're currently playing, or planning to play?

Just Minecraft at the moment, and dithering around farming out resources in Dark Souls 2. The next games I'm looking forward to are Bloodborne and The Witness. I'll probably also play Analogue: A Hate Story pretty soon.

Do you have any knowledge of HTML?

Not much. Enough to handle formatting and links for articles, that's about it.

I don't know if you would ever get to doing an FLCL write-up since you're plenty busy with ANN so I wanted to throw out a question. What are the creatures emerging from Naota's head supposed to represent? I figured it was just his mental conflicts manifested but I'm interested on your thoughts.

They're his uncontrollable, hormonal adolescent urges and feelings.

Why is it so many people equate anything featuring cute girls with something meant for grown otaku to lust after?

Because they dislike those shows and want to disparage them without actually engaging with them, I'd guess? Although the demographics do work out so that most cute girl shows are largely aimed at grown otaku - but in my experience, a lot of the fans of those shows just like watching comfy things.


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