

Ask @B0bduh

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Am I the only person who finds Funimation's website to be almost totally useless? It's so SLOW and laggy, the mobile versions are AWFUL, and it bugs out all the time. (As opposed to Crunchyroll.) And you had me all interested in this bear show. ...But I won't watch from that source. :/

You are far from the only person. Funimation need to get their shit together if they want to be an actual contender.

I saw Yuri Bear Storm and I can't wait for what you'll write! Granted, the first episode is more like a bunch of questions and lead-ups. Let the haters scoff, I'm sure this show will be thematically rich.

Good to see at least one soul has not truly given up.

...I saw the bearwhateveranime, and sort of scoffed. The way you're talking about it, well... something must be over my head. Why is this so hyped? I mean, don't get me wrong. I didn't expect Madoka, but this is a bit of a stretch for me to take seriously. :/

That the day would come when a new Ikuhara show is met with "I didn't expect Madoka, but..." This is a clawtastrophe.

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Thoughts on the upcoming live action film 'Ghost in the Shell' starring Scarlett Johansson?

Don't really have any. I couldn't be less invested in Ghost in the Shell, and it seems too early to treat this like it's a real movie anyway.

By the way, just like how Mawaru was based on a Japanese incident, bear storm is based on the Sankebetsu brown bear incident. How do you think Ikuhara is going to base this show about the bear incident?

No idea! Ikuhara's use of the subway attacks fell in line with how they'd already been framed as reflective of a national identity crisis, but I don't know enough about the brown bear incident's popular image to hypothesize on what themes he might be highlighting this time.

How often do you work with pen and paper while writing, or generally? Has it changed with time?

Basically never. I did it when I had to back in school, but I'll always type things instead if I can - it's both much faster and much more amenable to my "write half a sentence, delete three words, write most of the rest, delete half of it, rewrite it a third time" style of writing. Currently I just write with pen and paper during meetings at work and in the margins of books I'm reading.

When will your horrifying deluge of first episode posts begin?

Tomorrow! I'll be starting strong with Cute High Earth Love Whatever.

how many " pls notice me senpai" do you get per day?

Not that many, actually! I used to get more, but since they almost never receive replies...

Nick, I'm in a rut and I don't know who to turn to. I'm 23 and only now realizing I don't have much passion for the STEM stuff I went to college for. I think I want to refocus my efforts elsewhere, to English and music, at least as a hobby, but isn't it too late for me to start creative work?

Definitely not! In fact, that stuff is probably best approached as a hobby - the world we live in doesn't exactly make it reasonable to make a living in writing or music. Just give your passion what time you can, and try to be consistent in applying yourself to it. Many great artists and musicians didn't actually start their work until after an entire first career, so don't worry about being too old to start.

How long until your the top shows addendum is longer than the top anime list?

A while. It's only at around 9-10 shows at the moment, and last year only added six new shows to the overall list plus Shiki. Haibane will almost certainly be going somewhere on the list, though.

Yuki Yuna was actually pretty good once I dug a little deeper into the ending. Is it the madoka/eva love child it so desperately wants to be? Eh. It does a decent job thematically Just my opinion. Winter show most excited for?

That's the only one I really care about, outside of continuing shows. Hopefully the preview guide run will reveal some surprise gems.

Were there any shows you wished you watched from this season? Brilliant Park or Yuki Yuna?

I did watch Brilliant Park. If I were to pick another to check out it'd be Yuki Yuna, but I'm not really tempted.

what do you think of robotics;notes?

Here's my MAL blurb from when I finished it:
This one is nothing like Steins;Gate - its best parts are its resolutely undramatized depictions of adolescence and the slow-building character work of the protagonist. It's a very beautiful show, in that it evokes their island home with such clarity that you can really feel their affection for the place. The sci-fi/drama stuff can be a little hit or miss, and the group's devotion to maintaining Aki's spirit of wonder can get a little tiresome (meaning the finale, which doubles down on both these things, is definitely a weak point), but it explores the themes of adolescence and our reliance on mediated experience and information with a deft, human touch. An excellent show.

Speaking of Katawa Shoujo, when people come into your inbox like "but you're so smart! why don't you support Gamergate?" do you ever feel like Hisao when Kenji starts ranting at him and expects him to sympathize?

Pretty much. It's unfortunately less funny in the context of a five month hate campaign, though. GG has kinda robbed me of the ability to just see these people as sad, and not dangerous.

Do you think Vonnegut is does good character writing or is that not a strength of his?

Not a strength. He doesn't really write character-focused stories, and his own authorial voice is pretty dominant in all of his work.
Liked by: Proxy Rose Bridges

Why do you think people who read Key VN's are willing to put up with what they admit is mediocre and bad massively long build-up for a potentially worth it pay off?

I assume they don't actually think it's bad, but don't have much interest in arguing about it with people. The percentage of people who love arguing is much lower than many people who love arguing might suspect.

Bob I'm stuck on the Bell Gargoyle and he's haaaaard plz help me =(

Bell Gargoyle is definitely one of the gatekeeper bosses of that game. Good luck!

What speedruns do you follow (which games) in general?

I don't really follow any regularly, but if there's some big stream going on, I'll check in. Banjo-Kazooie's on now, and I've got all kinds of nostalgia for that game - the N64 was my first console, so all the Nintendo/Rare classics are basically tattooed in my brain.
Here's the stream, incidentally, if you follow me here and not on twitter:

What is unusual about the structure of Hanako's route as a romance? You mentioned that in your ranking of them, and I'm curious what you mean by that, since it didn't seem that unusual to me.

Rose Bridges
It felt to me that instead of having a standard series of rises and falls, it was basically a long, even descent into codependency, with the story just getting more stifling until it reached a breaking point just before the end. It seemed less romantic than claustrophobic, which struck me as a pretty bold and purposeful choice.
Liked by: Mel Rose Bridges

What's your opinion on Narcissu? It's been a long time since I read it, but my takeaway of it is kinda negative since I feel it soaked too much in depression, and because it has a particularly negative view on the medical establishment (which I am a part of).

I've heard its portrayal of the main characters' trials in the hospital is completely unrealistic in a negative way, but I thought its prose, character work, and storytelling were quite solid. It's the only VN aside from KS that I'd recommend - it's a very small work, but I thought it was a solid one.


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