
Faysal K.

Ask @Faisalkhan23

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Ok done ....nd brother one more thing.....workout for abs and its diet...kindly tell me ths

Well yeah the good news to the people who dont have abs,
IN THE MONTH OF RAMADAN , DO ABS WHILE FASTING because in order to get ripped abs.
do it in empty stomach and then have your diet like veggies, fruit smoothies.

Aftari se one hour phly workout krna??but bro i do after tarawi almost at10pm ...thn ths is not good?r to do before aftari as u said so???

Yeah man this is not good , because sleep in good stomach is good. DO workout before iftaar.

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Hey bro.....jus wanna ask u somethin about doing gym in ramadan.....i wanna ask that ramadan ma kia routine rkhni chye gym ki?...i have been doing gym gym for 7 mnths...but i've a lil bit confusion about ramadan routine so kindly tell me ths...nd about meal also ...cox aftar se sehri tak he tym ha

Let me tell you first that , in the month of ramadan you can only maintain your body or loose gains. And i hope you choose to maintain. So for maintaining your body let me tell you a routine,
Monday - chest + triceps
Tuesday - gap
wednesday - shoulder + biceps
thursday - GAP
Friday - Abs + legs + forearms
saturday - BACK.
Sunday - gap.
So this routine can help you the most, and do your workout before only one hour left in iftaar. and after workout when you reach home. take a date and cut it from middle take out it seed and apply some butter in the middle of your date and then break your fast from that date and eat your iftaar and then have your meals after 1 hour of iftaar. AND YEAH DRINK WATER ALOT! MAKE IT YOUR FRIEND CHALTAY PHIRTAY PIYO. and do sehri with heavy things like 3 egg whites and quacker oats and Pheni. and yeah eat that date of butter in sehrii too. HOPE THIS ROUTINE WILL HELP YOU THE MOST. and low the sets not the reps.
BY ME :)

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does masturbation effects gym?

IT effects on your stamina, so in order to lift weights you need a lot of stamina if you won't have stamina you won't lift heavy and good reps and muscles won't grow and get lazy. SO IT ACTUALLY EFFECTS ON YOUR MUSCLES THOU.
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