
Garrosh Hellscream

Ask @GarroshHllscrm

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Is love complicated? Why?

I'm fascinated by the way this is a two-part question, where the first part is stupefyingly obvious, and the second part is borderline unanswerable, nearly beyond the limits of mortal comprehension.
"Do you like feeling happy? Also, what is the nature of happiness, and what in that nature causes it to elude so many of us? Briefly, please."

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What are you expecting from the new season of "Game of Thrones"?

I'm expecting to continue my ongoing trend of never having watched "Game of Thrones."
Liked by: Rakael Towers

Would you ever have sex with a gnome?

Even if I wanted to -- which I sure as hell don't -- I don't think I COULD have sex with a gnome without killing it. She wouldn't even be a sex partner so much as a freakin' living condom.

what did u have for lunch today?

You mean as opposed to what D had for lunch? Why don't you just ask Utvoch, rather than me?

What would be your fantasy perfect tattoo(s), if you desired one?

RakaelWhispers’s Profile PhotoRakael Towers
I'm pretty much covered in tattoos, so I can't say I have many sitting around on the wish list.

If you had several minutes of Blizzard's ear to give them your ideas, rant, raves, etc., what would you like to share with them? (You can be mad, glad, or sad, but be respectful please.)

RakaelWhispers’s Profile PhotoRakael Towers
Well, see, you kind of blew it when you added the "be respectful" stipulation.
But then, I think I've gotten enough ideas on record, one way or another. (Psst! commandboard.wordpress.com -- link/retweet/like/+1/whatever that shit up!)


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