
Garrosh Hellscream

Ask @GarroshHllscrm

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Who is that DEHTA hippie Archdruid Lather-on-us?

Oh, hey, good segue. I was just talking about him, sort of. Lather-on-us (also known as Lathorius to the nitpicky crowd) is the leader of those damn dorky DEHTA druids (ALLITERATION, YO). Every so often he comes out of the woodwork to bitch and moan because I ate a cheeseburger or tried on a leather jacket or some shit.

NQH; What exactly prompted Thrall to elect you as Warchief? And by this, I mean, how did he approach you and enlist your strengths to yourself that made you worthy of the mantle?

Might want to ask him. From what I remember of the conversation, he didn't exactly go into much detail. The main thing he cited was my love of the Horde -- at one point I told him I was a soldier, not a politician, and he answered with something to the effect of "politics can be learned, love of our people can't." Or words to that effect.
((Refer to the (brief) conversation in "The Shattering" for reference -- here, in fact, I'll do some homework for you: pp. 122-126!)

NQH: Which, for you, comes first? The fate of the world, or the fate of the Horde?

The Horde IS the world. I mean, if the whole damn planet blew up, it wouldn't exactly be good for us, right? Seen that before already. Once was enough. Not fun.

It's normal question hour! Garrosh, how do you feel being the father of Shayari Hellscream?

Well, considering I've been a father for seventeen years but known about it for not even one...blindsided? How does blindsided work for you? With a heaping side order of WTF? As for @doeling_shay herself, well... she's willful, stubborn, doesn't listen to anybody... So, you know, fun times for me.
Also, strictly speaking, Shay wouldn't be going by "Shayari Hellscream" right now. See, this varies from clan to clan some, but orcish last names aren't necessarily held by all family members at once. Some of them, like Hellscream (Deadeye and Doomhammer were like this, too), are sort of honorifics, earned by one member of the family -- in this case, Grom, obviously -- and only taken up by an heir after the original's death. It's a way for later generations to keep alive the memory of great deeds, and so the name becomes a sort of torch that gets passed down. (Like I said, it varies from clan to clan and family to family...for instance, I know Varok and Dranosh both used the Saurfang name.)
So, anyway...there can only be one Hellscream at a time. Grommash was the original, and for most of my life in Nagrand, I just went by Garrosh, "son of Hellscream." I didn't take up Hellscream as a last name of my own until AFTER I knew that Grom (a) was dead and (b) turned out to be a hero in the end after all. Point being, Shayari wouldn't start using the name until it's her turn to pick up the torch. As in, when I'm dead.

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Do you like poms?

No. It's annoying as all fuck when a mage pops one of those things on me for one of those damn insta-pyroblasts.

How is your Sunday going?

The fact that I received this question on Wednesday night tell you pretty much all you need to know about the typical caliber of the questions I get.

I love my father with a burning passion. I will always remember the good times that we've shared together. My father has done everything that a good father would do for his child. Do you love your father too?

Sorry, I missed most of this question. I read "I love my father with a burning passion" and couldn't get any further what with all the cringing and writhing around from the uncomfortable and the creepy. Because, really.

You're such an adorable little cutie. Do you want a cookie cutie? Does cutie want a cookie wookie? Do you want a cookie wookers cootie wootie? Does cootsie wootsers want a cookie wookers? You're my little boo boo bear, yes you are, oh yes you are. Want a cookie cutie?

Well that settles it. You ARE very, very stoned.

Describe Any Accident You Have Seen Or Heard About?

There Was One Time I Accidentally Got Title Caps Locked On My Computer And Couldn't Turn It Off And Oh Boy Was That Ever Annoying As Fuck

What up with your brother? Does he live with you? Do you talk to him?

What's up with him is nonexistence.
No, insofar as he doesn't live anywhere.
No, being as I'm not in the habit of talking to nonexistent people, although considering I DO talk to @Dontrag_Utvoch, I suppose I can't really pretend I'm doing much better. But still, no.


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