
Garrosh Hellscream

Ask @GarroshHllscrm

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What do you know about Naga? What is your opinion of them?

SiccoThermaplug’s Profile PhotoSicco Thermaplugg
I know I'd never heard of the fuckers until Vashj turned up with her crew, and from that point, hoo boy, good luck doing any fishing without one turning up out of nowhere being a pain in the ass. Too little brains up top, too much slither down below, and in case you never knew, their sense of hygiene would make a syphilitic ogre lose his lunch. I am not a fan.
Liked by: Sicco Thermaplugg

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Do you like pickles?

For some reason, I feel like this is some kind of weird setup for something, but... yes?

How would the world be different if everybody was vegetarian?

Well, for starters, I would have to find another fucking world to live in, because I sure as hell wouldn't be joining the fail party.

What's the most awkward thing you can say in an elevator?

"Boy, it sure is a good thing we timed it right and got onto this thing successfully without plunging to our deaths, huh? ... Wait, what about your brother? Oh...um, sorry... Blackwing Descent, huh?"
Liked by: Razboom Crankshaft

If you had to get one thing tattooed on your forehead, what would it be?

How about the words "Please bother me with ridiculous stupid bullshit," because apparently everyone thinks it says that anyway, so why the fuck not at this point?

What is the most unexpected thing that happened to you this week?

@Dontrag_Utvoch said something stupid, @Kairozdormu popped us into the wrong time period because he took another ill-conceived time-space-continuum left turn at Albuquerque, @RuekieShaman put her foot in her mouth, @Edwin_Faranell was a smartass, and some random nobody tweeted at me to talk smack and run their mouth like they actually matter or something.
Liked by: Garona Halforcen

WoW Twitter RP'ers: Why did you choose the character you RP? What do you want your followers to know about him/her?

RakaelWhispers’s Profile PhotoRakael Towers
((Stepping OOC to field this one.
Twitter!Garrosh is a direct offshoot of blog!Garrosh (commandboard.wordpress.com, if you haven't visited -- and if you haven't, go! now! inflate my pageviews!). The idea to write in character as Garrosh came out of conversations with fellow blogger and then-guildmate Khizzara (blogofthetreant.wordpress.com -- go there too! now! inflate HER pageviews!) about all the ridiculous things Garrosh might write.
It started out as an exercise in poking fun at Garrosh for all the obvious basic-campfire-y reasons. After a short while, though, I decided that if every post consisted solely of "ha ha, Garrosh is a jackass," I would get bored with the blog pretty quickly. So, that's when I started weaving in some semi-quasi-sorta serious storylines, developing the supporting cast (including Twitter friends @SpazzleFizz, @Dontrag_Utvoch, @MyGarona, @Edwin_Faranell, and others), cooking up EPIC VERSE and lemon squares, and sending the Warchief off to his own gaming adventures on Earth Online.
I don't know if there's anything in particular I'd like followers and readers to know about Garrosh so much as I hope I'm able to put together a variation of the character that makes sense as an actual, believable person (something I find Blizzard has done an...uneven job of). I think the greatest compliment I could receive is for someone to read my spin on Garrosh and -- in addition to having a good laugh over it -- be able to say, "I still think he's wrong, but I can see why he's like this."

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If you were to endorse my products to Azerothians, what good words could you say about them?

Arakkoa’s Profile PhotoVerroak Krasha
Okay, how about this: Buy Verroak's stuff. I don't know what the hell any of it is, but I'll bet you anything it's at least a little less likely to blow up on you than that goblin shit.
Liked by: Razboom Crankshaft

For those of you involved with doing Warcraft Twitter RP, what do you enjoy most from what you're doing?

RakaelWhispers’s Profile PhotoRakael Towers
Honestly? Watching Tirion (@HighlordFordin) trying to say freaking ANYTHING in 140 characters.

What is your favorite Twitter moment/ memory?

JainaPrdmr’s Profile PhotoJaina Proudmoore
Probably the fact that like MY ENTIRE SUPPORTING CAST from WCB turned up on Twitter totally (i.e., mostly) of their own volition, and mostly within the span of like a week.
For those keeping score at home, that means @RuekieShaman, @SpazzleFizz, @Dontrag_Utvoch, @Wyvern_Mortimer, @Edwin_Faranell, @MyGarona, @Ji_Firepaw, @Greatmom_Geyah, @HighlordFordrin, @M_Grimtotem, @Warlord_Zaela, @JainaPrdmr, @JohnnyAwesome17, @ShokiaCrackshot, and @Malkorok_.
Honorable mentions to @lady_liadrin, @ChiefVoljin, @TakTak_FM, @TheRealThrall, @VSaurfang, @PrinceAnduin, @BloodhoofBaine, @TheBigGallywix, @GeneralNazgrim, and, of course, @Horsemourne. Who may or may not be visible.
Shameless self-promotion for all of the above, by the way: commandboard.wordpress.com!
Liked by: Jaina Proudmoore

What is your favourite afternoon or late night snack?

The same as my favorite anytime snack: LEMON SQUARES, of course #LemonSquareHorde

What has surprised you most about using Twitter?

That, like, literally everyone I've ever heard of has an account. Even people who've been dead for years.
Liked by: Jaina Proudmoore

What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?

THAT WASN'T ME, MALKOROK WAS BORROWING MY LAPTOP FOR THE WEEKEND. I don't even know what the fuck you're talking about anyway. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get @SpazzleFizz to show me where the fucking delete key is for my browser history. BECAUSE NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS THAT'S WHY.


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