
Mizu Tezuma

Ask @KajiWolf

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*Nods* Of course. We had a deal remember? And you wanted the bow to be one of the things I wore.

Oh, okay!~ Maybe I should turn that pull-up into a diaper... A pull-up might not hold at your age...

How will you do that? Also, you got anything to eat and drink? I haven't had a thing since last night.

andyxdog’s Profile PhotoBlitz and Rose
I have powers, remember? Oh, food? I have a few baby bottles. Will that do?

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*While this happens, Dani ties a purple bow to her tail, humming a tune to herself*

*Mizu snickers* Having fun?

Why wouldn't I? I've always worn them. It's far more convenient than having to learn potty training and then holding it until I get somewhere.

andyxdog’s Profile PhotoBlitz and Rose
*she nods, agreeing* Need a change soon?

Dani: Promise me the furthest you'll go is a weak bladder, and I'll wear whatever you want me to.

*she siiighs* Alright. I promise. *she holds out the pull-up* *she starts using her mental powers. Dani suddenly wonders why she ISN'T wearing one already*

They have to be. I need to eat and drink a lot to sustain this body.

andyxdog’s Profile PhotoBlitz and Rose
*she keeps patting it like a drum* *she hugs it* It's very poofy. Tell me again why you need them?

Dani: ...she also was pure human. *sigh* Do I have to put that on? I'm fifteen not five, and fully able to hold it in.

I can make it so you can't. Even if you can resist, it'll still really take away your ability to hold it in.

Well anyway, what do you think of this temporary anon-given body?

andyxdog’s Profile PhotoBlitz and Rose
It's kinda big, I guess. I bet I could ride ya like a horsie! *she continues patting your diaper* Wow. Your diapers are really thick in this form.

Dani: Bow, maybe. But the diaper? Well you can try, but you remember the alternate me from that timeline where you took over the world, right? She and I are both capable of resisting your mind-altering powers.

But she still needed diapers, remember? She still thought it was normal needing them. *she reaches into her backpack and takes out a pull-up* Put this on?

*But there's a catch - he hasn't worn underwear SINCE potty training* ...Hey. You ever get the feeling you're forgetting something REALLY important?

andyxdog’s Profile PhotoBlitz and Rose
*That's filled in with him always needing diapers* Not really. *she pats his diaper-butt*

Well, now there's a wide range of dog accessories I can try on. Tail bows, fashionable harnesses, collars, muzzles, and even stuff you wouldn't expect a dog to even wear like these reins I picked up. They don't feel half bad and were only a couple of dollars online!

*she giggles* I'd like to see you with the tail bow~
*mumbles* and maybe a diaper...?

*Andy glares at Mizu. He knows when his mind is being altered, though he has very little ability to resist*

andyxdog’s Profile PhotoBlitz and Rose
*she erases his potty training and memories of wearing anything but diapers* *His mind will fill in the empty spaces of wearing normal undergarments with false memories of diapers*

Had to get an extra-large size. The enchanted-to-never-get-dirty ones are too expensive for someone like me.

andyxdog’s Profile PhotoBlitz and Rose
I betcha I have them in your size.
*she, secretly, starts using her mental powers to erase Andy's potty training skills and memories*

Dani: What? It's true! And you know what else? Being part dog has opened up even more options for outfits I can try on! *Where the hell did she get those reins from anyway?!?*

Outfits, huh? Like what?

Dani: I don't think I've met him before. Is he gay? Gay men are /so/ hot. It's a shame they don't like women.

*she laughs*

*Dani points to Andy, who is clearly fighting his own embarrassment at his self-inflicted public humiliation*

Oh! That's Andy. I think. Could be a girl pretending to be him.

No, I /AM/ Andy. I'm just proving my manliness by.. not being bothered wearing a combination of baby and girl stuff. In public.

andyxdog’s Profile PhotoBlitz and Rose
*she sniffs* And using the baby stuff, too?
*sniff sniff* Or is that me...


Language: English